§ 154.054 DECISION.
   (A)   (1)   The Floodplain Administrator shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the proposed floodplain permit application.
      (2)   The Floodplain Administrator shall notify the applicant of his or her action and the reasons thereof within 180 days of receipt of a correct and complete floodplain permit application unless otherwise specified. A copy of the approved floodplain permit must be provided to DNRC.
(A.R.M. § 36.15.204(2)(e)) (M.C.A. § 76-5-405(2))
   (B)   The approval of a floodplain permit application does not affect any other type of approval required by any other statute or ordinance of the state or any political subdivision or the United States, but is an added requirement.
(M.C.A. § 76-5-108)
(Prior Code, § 15.52.330) (Ord. 455, passed 11-23-2021)