(A)   Design.
      (1)   The corporate seal of the city shall be circular in form with inner and outer circles of rope design.
      (2)   The outer circle shall be one and seven-eighths inches in diameter and the inner circle shall be one and three-eighths inches in diameter.
      (3)   It shall bear upon the space between the two circles the words “City of Malta, Montana” and upon the space within the inner circle the words “Incorporated 1909” and the word “Seal”.
(Prior Code, § 1.08.010)
   (B)   Adoption. The seal described in division (A) above is adopted as the corporate seal of the city.
(Prior Code, § 1.08.020)
   (C)   Custodian. The City Clerk shall be the custodian of the corporate seal and shall affix such to all acts requiring to be so authenticated.
(Prior Code, § 1.08.030)
Statutory reference:
   Authorizing cities to adopt seals, see M.C.A. § 7-1-4124(13)