A.   Nonfarm Use: The creation of all new parcels intended for nonfarm use shall meet the following requirements:
      1.   Is the proposed use compatible with agriculture uses and is it consistent with ORS 215.243. How? Address each issue; and
      2.   Is the proposed use located where it may interfere seriously with accepted farming practices on adjacent lands? What conditions exist to avoid this problem? and
      3.   Will the proposed use materially alter the stability of the overall land use pattern of the area? Explain; and
      4.   Is the proposed use situated on generally unsuitable land for the production of agricultural crops or livestock considering the terrain, adverse soil or land conditions, drainage and flooding, location and size of tract? If so, the following factors must be met:
         a.   If located on range or agricultural lands, are the proposed nonresource parcels only as large as necessary to accommodate the use and provide any buffer area needed to ensure compatibility with adjacent agricultural uses? The intent is that Class I through IV soils be included within nonagricultural parcels only when the limited extent or physical configuration of such soils make it impractical to keep them consolidated in an agricultural parcel.
         b.   Are the proposed parcels located on land with predominantly low productivity V through VII soils not suited for agricultural use and are large enough to accommodate the use and provide any buffer area needed to ensure compatibility with adjacent agricultural uses? How so? and
      5.   A new nonfarm parcel shall not be approved for a use that will have a significant adverse impact on the quality of farm or range land, watersheds, fish and wildlife habitat, soil and slope stability, air and water quality, or outdoor recreation areas. In what ways do the proposed parcels avoid conflict with these items? or
      6.   Is an existing dwelling used as a residential home for up to six (6) persons who fit within the definition of persons listed in ORS 443.400(5) through (10)? or
      7.   Is an alternative dwelling used so that a historical dwelling may be preserved without occupation as provided by ORS 215.263(8)(b).
   B.   Nonresource Partition Approval: As a condition of a nonresource partition approval, the owner shall be required to sign and allow the following statement to be entered into the chain of title for the nonagricultural parcel:
The property herein described is situated in or near a resource (farm or ranch) zone, where the intent is to encourage agricultural use and minimize conflicts with nonresource uses. Nonresource residents may be subjected to common, customary and accepted farm and ranch practices that are conducted in accordance with Federal and State laws but ordinarily and necessarily produce noise, dust, smoke and other impacts. The grantees, including their heirs, assigns and lessees, by the recording of this statement, and in return for allowing a nonresource dwelling on this property, hereby accept the potential impacts of accepted farm and ranch practices as normal and necessary and part of the risk of establishing a dwelling in this area, and grantee acknowledges the need to avoid activities that conflict with nearby resource uses.
   C.   Evidence Of Disqualification: Evidence shall be provided showing the lot or parcel upon which the dwelling is proposed to be located has been disqualified for valuation at true cash value for farm use under ORS 308.370 and as required by ORS 215.236.
   D.   Application Of Provisions: This section shall not apply to divisions of land resulting from lien foreclosures or foreclosures of recorded contracts for the sale of real property. (Ord. 86, 12-7-1993)