(A)    The construction, installation, repair, or maintenance of a utility facility within the right-of-way requiring excavation will require application for an excavation permit.
   (B)   Any excavation performed for the purpose of constructing, installing, repairing or maintaining a facility must comply with the following requirements: All open cut trenches made either to existing pavements or sidewalks or in future pavement areas shall be backfilled utilizing one of two recommended methods: those being the use of controlled low strength materials (CLSM) or, alternately, the placement of thin (six-inch maximum) mechanically compacted lifts of CA6 or CA10 aggregate materials as approved by the village. Water jetting of the aggregate backfill material will not be permitted. The proper backfill material shall extend not less than two feet In each direction from the edge of the pavement.
   (C)   For both the CLSM and granular backfill methods, the top 12 inches of the excavation shall be filled with soil or granular material of similar composition to that of the adjacent subgrade. The 12 inches of soil shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density (AASHTO T99) with no more than 110% optimum moisture.
   (D)   When a trench is cut into an existing pavement or sidewalk, the pavement shall be replaced in kind with a total thickness two inches greater than existing to a maximum often inches. When restoring Portland Cement concrete pavement, the entire slab into which the trench was cut shall be removed and replaced. If the surface is either hot mix asphalt or oil and chip, full depth hot mix asphalt shall be utilized for the pavement replacement. Replacement pavement shall be installed no less than two feet in each direction beyond the lateral edge of the excavation trench.
   (E)   All utility structures (i.e., shut-off valves, vault boxes, lids, poles, lines, markers, and the like) that pose a threat to public safety shall be replaced when directed by the village.
   (F)   Any pavement failures which may occur outside of the original restored or repaired pavement or right-of-way area resulting from the utility activity will be repaired by the responsible contractor or utility company.
   (G)   Any person which plans to install any underground utilities within a present or proposed street or sidewalk right-of-way area is required to notify the village a minimum of 24 hours prior to beginning work. The notification shall include the exact location and nature of the work to be performed. In emergency situations, the village shall be notified immediately upon the responsible party's decision that excavation is required. Roadway or sidewalk area repairs or restoration made without proper notification may require re-excavation and replacement with approved backfill.
(Ord. 21-06-02, passed 6-22-2021; Ord. 22-03-04, passed 3-22-2022) Penalty, see § 156.999