(A)   Created. There is hereby created a Code Review and Appeals Board.
   (B)   Board composition and appointment. The Code Review and Appeals Board shall have seven members and one nonvoting ex officio member. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Trustees.
      (1)   The nonvoting ex officio member shall be the Village Administrator or their designee.
      (2)   Although not mandatory, the composition of the Code Review and Appeals Board shall strive to include persons with the following expertise by experience, training or education.
         (a)   Architect;
         (b)   Structural engineer;
         (c)   Electrician;
         (d)   Mechanical technician;
         (e)   Residential homebuilder;
         (f)   Commercial builder/developer.
      (3)   At least one member shall be a village resident.
      (4)   At least one member shall be the Cornbelt Fire District Fire Chief or their designee.
      (5)   A member shall not vote or otherwise rule on any appeal in which the member:
         (a)   Is engaged as a contractor or material dealer;
         (b)   Is in the preparation of plans or specifications;
         (c)   Has any personal interest.
   (C)   Terms and qualifications. The terms of the seven regular appointed members of the Code Review and Appeals Board shall be for terms of three years. All terms shall expire on May 30 in their final year.
   (D)   Chair and Vice Chair. The Code Review and Appeals Board shall elect from its members a Chair and Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair when the Chair is absent or otherwise unable to perform those duties. The term of the position of Chair and Vice Chair shall be limited to three years and no Chair or Vice Chair shall serve consecutive terms.
   (E)   Rules and by-laws. The Code Review and Appeals Board may adopt additional rules and by-laws consistent with other provisions of this chapter.
   (F)   Duties. The Code Review and Appeals Board shall:
      (1)   Carry on a continuing review of and shall advise the Board of Trustees regarding all construction and maintenance codes adopted and enforced by the village.
      (2)   Hear appeals by persons or entities directly or materially affected by a code violation or decisions involving codes as it applies to construction or maintenance activities to which an adopted code is in place.
      (3)   Issue, amend, and withdraw administrative rules which implement, interpret and clarify the requirements of this chapter. Persons shall comply with these administrative rules to the same extent they are required to comply with this chapter. The administrative rules shall implement, interpret and clarify the requirements of this chapter and shall not amend the chapter or its policies.
         (a)   At least 14 days prior to its effective date, the Code Review and Appeal Board shall send a copy of the administrative rules to the Board of Trustees for review.
         (b)   Upon written request of any two Board of Trustees members prior to the effective date of the administrative rule, the rule shall be subject to Board of Trustees review. After such a written request, the administrative rule shall not be effective until considered and acted upon by the Board of Trustees. The administrative rule shall go into effect after such action unless disapproved by a majority or the Board of Trustees members or withdrawn by the Code Review and Appeal Board. The administrative rule shall go into effect after such action unless disapproved by a majority of the Board of Trustees members or withdrawn by the Code Review and Appeal Board.
         (c)   The form and legality of each administrative rule shall be approved by the Village Attorney prior to its effective date.
         (d)   The Code Review and Appeal Board shall publish all of its rules in pamphlet form on or before the effective date of the rules.
         (e)   Prior to the effective date of an administrative rule, a copy shall be filed with the Village Clerk and Village Administrator, and a copy shall be sent to the Board of Trustees.
      (4)   Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 19-12-15, passed 12-17-2019)