Submittal documents consisting of construction documents, and other data shall be submitted with each application for a permit. The construction documents shall be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the state. Where special conditions exist, the Building Official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a registered design professional.
(A) Exception. The Building Official is authorized to waive the submission of construction documents and other data not required to be prepared by a registered design professional if it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such that reviewing of construction documents is not necessary to obtain compliance with this chapter.
(B) Submittal size. Information on construction documents. Construction documents shall be drawn upon suitable material. PDF copies of the plans and 11 inch by 17 inch copies are preferred. Any large plan sets submitted shall be on paper no wider than 36 inches. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this chapter and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the Building Official.
(C) Manufacturer's installation instructions, as required by this chapter, shall be available on the job site at the time of inspection.
(D) Braced wall design. For buildings and structures utilizing braced wall design, and where required by the Building Official, braced wall lines shall be identified on the construction documents. Pertinent information including, but not limited to, bracing methods, location and length of braced wall panels and foundation requirements of braced wall panels at top and bottom shall be provided.
(E) Flood hazard areas. For buildings and structures located in whole or in part in flood hazard areas as established by Table R301.2(1) herein, construction documents shall include:
(1) Delineation of flood hazard areas, floodway boundaries and flood zones and the design flood elevation, as appropriate;
(2) The elevation of the proposed lowest floor (including basement), the height of the proposed lowest floor (including basement), and above the highest adjacent grade;
(3) The elevation of the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member as are delineated on flood hazard maps identified in Table R301.2(1) herein or otherwise delineated by the village;
(4) If design flood elevations are not included on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the Building Official and the applicant shall obtain and reasonably utilize any design flood elevation and floodway data available from other sources;
(5) In addition to a construction permit, a floodplain development permit shall be obtained from the village.
(F) Site plan or plot plan. The construction documents submitted with the application for permit shall be accompanied by a site plan showing the size and location of new construction and existing structures on the site and distances from lot lines. In the case of demolition, the site plan shall show construction to be demolished and the location and size of existing structures and construction that are to remain on the site. The Building Official is authorized to waive or modify the requirement for a site plan where the application for permit is for alteration or repair or where otherwise warranted.
(Ord. 19-12-15, passed 12-17-2019)