(A) As adopted by reference in this chapter, certain sections and subsections of the various codes so adopted have been made subject to revision as herein provided.
(B) Where the following words precede any such sections and subsections of the various codes adopted by reference in this chapter, such words shall have the following meanings.
ADD. The provisions contained therein are added and made a part of the section or subsection of such code as though fully set forth as, or as a part of, the referenced section or subsection.
AMEND. The provisions contained therein substitute and otherwise amend, modify or change the referenced section or subsection to read as so provided.
DELETE. The referenced section, subsection or provision thereof is deleted.
INSERT. The word or phrase contained therein is inserted and substituted for the word or phrase surrounded by brackets within the referenced section or subsection.
(Ord. 19-12-15, passed 12-17-2019)