Any multiple-family residential dwelling development on a property of 20,000 square feet or larger and/or which contains any principle building with more than four dwelling units must comply with the following standards and all other applicable standards in this chapter, unless the use is approved by issuance of a conditional use permit in which alternative standards are determined. Multiple-family residential dwelling developments that exceeds 16 dwelling units must obtain a conditional use permit to establish the use.
   (A)   Development standards:
      (1)   Maximum building height: 2 stories and 30 feet.
      (2)   Minimum building setback: Front 25 feet, side 25 feet, and rear 25 feet.
      (3)   HVAC equipment: No HVAC equipment shall be visible from adjacent property lines including surrounding rights-of-way. Landscaping or fence screening may be provided but only when approved by the Village Planner.
      (4)   Dumpsters shall be screened via a privacy fence.
   (B)   Perimeter landscaping requirements:
      (1)   Minimum landscaping: One shade tree and three shrubs must be planted and maintained within the building setback for every 40 linear feet along the length of the property lines.
   (C)   Conditional use permit.
      (1)   Guidelines. In making a legislative determination to issue a conditional use permit for a multiple-family residential dwelling development, the following guidelines may be considered:
         (a)   The availability of permanent open spaces, including public parks, golf courses, schools and similar such uses in proximity to the subject property.
         (b)   The availability of permanent open spaces and recreational facilities located on the site.
         (c)   The relationship of the site to all aspects of the village transportation system, including sidewalks, bike paths and streets.
         (d)   The extent to which the multiple-family residential use of the site will promote balanced growth in the community, provide an opportunity for equal housing opportunities, provide a variety of housing types and meet a need for the type(s) of housing proposed.
         (e)   The suitability of the site plan presented for the proposed multiple-family residential use.
      (2)   Site plan. An application for a conditional use permit to establish a multiple-family residential use shall be accompanied by a site plan which shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 20-07-05, passed 7-28-2020; Ord. 20-12- 01, passed 12-15-2020)