(A) All operations of and conduct of raffles shall be under the supervision of a single raffles manager designated by the organization. The manager or operator of the raffle must be a bona fide member of the organization holding the license for such a raffle and may not receive any remuneration or profit for participating in the management or operation of the raffle. The manager shall give a fidelity bond in the sum of the total value of the prizes to be awarded in the raffle conditioned upon his/her honesty in the performance of his/her duties. Terms of the bond shall provide that notice shall be given in writing to the village not less than 30 days prior to its cancellation. The village may waive the requirement of a fidelity bond by including a waiver provision in the license issued to an organization under this chapter, contingent upon: (i) proof of the affirmative vote of the requisite number of members of the licensed organization or, if the licensed organization does not have members, of members of the governing board of the organization, to constitute an affirmative action of the licensed organization and (ii) waiver of fidelity bond requirement by the village pursuant to the process detailed herein.
(B) The Village Administrator may waive this fidelity bond requirement when, due to the nature, past experience or competence of the organization involved, the Village Administrator determines that such bond would be unnecessarily burdensome. The Village Administrator shall give notice of such waiver to the Village President and Village Board not less than 48 hours before the license becomes effective. Within such 48 hour period, the Village President or any member of the Village Board may, through notice (be it written, oral or other) to the Village Administrator, cause this waiver to be stayed. In such case the matter will be formally presented to the Village Board at their next regular Board meeting for decision by a majority vote. If the Village Administrator declines a request to waive the fidelity bond requirement, the applicant may ask the Village Board for such waiver by majority vote of the Board.
(Ord. 20-09-05, passed 9-22-2020; Ord. 21-02- 01, passed 2-23-2021)