(A)   The Plan and Zoning Commission shall make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for or against the proposed conditional use, and may also recommend additional conditions and requirements as are appropriate or necessary for the protection of public health, safety and welfare and to carry out the purposes of this chapter, including, but not limited to, the following:
      (1)   Regulate the location, extent and intensity of the uses;
      (2)   Require adherence to an approved site plan;
      (3)   Require landscaping and the screening of those uses by means of fences, walls or vegetation;
      (4)   Stipulate required minimum lot sizes, minimum yards and maximum height of buildings and structures;
      (5)   Regulate vehicular access and volume and the design and location of parking and loading areas and structures;
      (6)   Require conformance to health, safety and sanitation requirements as necessary;
      (7)   Regulate signs and outdoor lighting; and
      (8)   Any other conditions deemed necessary to effect the purposes of this chapter.
   (B)   The Board of Trustees may impose any conditions or requirements, including but not limited to those recommended by the Plan and Zoning Commission, which it deems appropriate or necessary in order to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. The Board of Trustees may vary the terms of area, height, yard and other development regulations for conditional uses to carry out the purposes of this chapter. A conditional use authorized by the Board of Trustees shall be subject to all the development regulations applicable to permitted uses in the district in which it is located, unless other regulations are specifically stated in the conditional use permit.
(Ord. passed 7-23-2002)