Subdivision/Mobile Home Park/Apartment and Development Identity Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Sign
Location of Sign
Subdivision/Mobile Home Park/Apartment and Development Identity Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Sign
Location of Sign
One sign per street bordering or entering the subdivision, or two signs if framed as a symmetrical gateway to the subdivision, mobile home park or apartment
35 square feet (not including structures)
10 feet
Signs shall not extend over the public right-of-way. Signs shall not be located to obstruct views within the visibility triangle of any street or driveway intersection
75 square feet (not including structures)
15 feet
100 square feet (not including structures)
20 feet
Property Sale and Rental Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted (1)
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Freestanding Sign (2)
Location of Sign
Property Sale and Rental Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted (1)
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Freestanding Sign (2)
Location of Sign
One per dwelling
6 square feet
5 feet
Locate on the property to which it pertains. No sign shall be located upon the public right-of-way. 10-foot minimum setback from curb line
One per apartment building or dwelling
10 square feet
10 feet
One per frontage
32 square feet
15 feet
One per frontage
50 square feet
20 feet
50 square feet
(1) An apartment complex, shopping center, highway plaza, or industrial complex is permitted one sign per frontage, up to 200 feet, and one additional sign for each 300 feet thereafter.
(2) Wall signs shall not extend beyond the top or ends of the wall surface on which they are placed.
Freestanding Signs (3)
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Sign (4)
Location of Sign
Freestanding Signs (3)
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Sign (4)
Location of Sign
Two signs per business. Each business is permitted one sign per business frontage up to 300 feet, and one additional sign for each 300 feet of business frontage thereafter; except that no freestanding sign is permitted if a projecting or roof sign exists on the same frontage
32 square feet
15 feet to setback line and 1 foot per 2 feet additional setback, up to 20 feet maximum
Signs shall not extend over the public right-of-way. Signs shall be subject to sight distance visibility requirement. No freestanding signs permitted within 50 feet of any residential district where the nearest lot contains a dwelling unit, school, park, hospital, church or nursing home.
50 square feet
20 feet to setback line and 1 foot per 2 feet additional setback, up to 30 feet maximum
100 square feet
25 feet to minimum setback line and 1 foot per 2 feet additional setback, up to 35 feet maximum
(3) See “Freeway-Oriented Sign Standards” for freestanding signs that are directed primarily toward the users of an interstate highway. See “Shopping Center Signs” for freestanding signs that are advertising a multi-tenant commercial complex.
(4) Unless any freestanding sign has a minimum clearance of 8 feet above ground, the area surrounding the base of any such sign shall be maintained as a green area of not less than 100 square feet and planted in grass, shrubs or plants.
Freeway-Oriented Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height
Location of Sign
Not permitted
One sign per location-eligible business
220 square feet per face with a maximum number of faces being limited to two per sign.
80 feet (all signage shall be positioned on the structure such that the lowest point of any sign face shall be at not less than 50 feet above ground)
Limited to on-premises uses only. Must be located within 600 feet of the right-of-way of an Interstate highway and more than 150 feet from any residential zoning district (in residential use), school, park, church, hospital or nursing home.
Wall Signs and Wall-Mounted Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Total Maximum Area of Wall Signs per Frontage
Maximum Height and Location of Signs
No more than three per wall, but must meet area limits
10% of wall area, not to exceed 150 square feet maximum. For every 100 feet from the right-of-way line of an adjacent street, the sign area may increase by 10% (measured from the sign to the right-of-way line).
Signs shall not extend beyond the top or ends of the wall surface on which they are placed.
10% of wall area, not to exceed 175 square feet maximum. For every 100 feet from the right-of-way line of an adjacent street, the sign area may increase by 10% (measured from the sign to the right-of-way line)
15% of wall area, not to exceed 200 square feet maximum.
Projecting Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height and Projection of Sign
Location of Sign
One per business frontage, except that no projecting sign is permitted if a freestanding or roof sign exists on the same frontage. Upper level businesses are not allowed projecting signs
15 square feet
8-foot minimum clearance above ground. No sign shall extend above that portion of the roof immediately adjacent to the sign. No sign shall project more than 3-1/2 feet from the face of the building to which it is attached
Not to extend over any public right-of-way
20 Square Feet
Roof Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign
Maximum Height of Sign
Location of Sign
Not permitted
One per premises, except no roof sign is permitted if a freestanding sign or projecting sign exists on the same frontage
50 square feet
9 feet, as measured from that part of roof immediately below sign, but in no case shall the height exceed maximum height authorized in zoning district
Sign must be located wholly within the roof area of structure
50 square feet
9 feet as measured from that part of roof immediately below sign, but in no case shall height exceed maximum height authorized in zoning district
Signs Attached to Canopies and Entrance Structures
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of Sign (5)
Height of Sign
Location of Sign
One sign per business frontage
15 square feet
8-foot minimum clearance to ground
No sign may project more than 2 feet from any canopy, or other structure. A canopy or awning may extend within the limits of the right-of-way by a distance not to exceed 12 feet. A canopy or awning may not extend closer than 6 inches from the back of the curb or edge of the pavement, whichever case applies
20 square feet
25 square feet
(5) If the sign is the only sign for that business, then the maximum area for the sign may be increased up to a maximum area of no more than 30% of the total area of any such canopy, awning or entrance structure if the writing, representation, emblem or other figure of similar character constituting the display of the sign is an integral part of any canopy, awning or entrance structure. Any like display shall be deemed an integral part of the canopy, awning or entrance structure if the display does not project more than 1/2 inch from any canopy, awning or entrance structure
Freestanding Shopping Center Signs
Districts Permitted
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area (6)
Maximum Height
Individual Business May List (7)
One freestanding sign per frontage
75 square feet
30 feet to setback line plus one additional foot per 2 feet additional setback thereafter, up to 40 feet maximum.
Signs shall not extend over the public right-of-way. No freestanding signs permitted within 50 feet of any residential district where the nearest lot contains a dwelling unit, school, park, hospital or nursing home
150 square feet
(6) Maximum area refers to combined area of both signs, or of one sign if there is only one.
(7) Individual businesses establishments may list, but an individual listing may not exceed 50% of the area of any face of the sign or 1 square foot per lineal foot of establishment frontage.
Outdoor Advertising Signs (OAS)
Districts Permitted (8)
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of OAS
Maximum Height of OAS
Location of OAS and Separation
Outdoor Advertising Signs (OAS)
Districts Permitted (8)
Maximum Number Permitted
Maximum Area of OAS
Maximum Height of OAS
Location of OAS and Separation
One per wall provided no other exterior wall signs are on display
150 square feet/ (300 square feet if directed to interstate)
(back-to-back Displays shall be deemed to be a single structure)(9)
Not to project above roofline or edges of wall upon which OAS is mounted.
OAS shall not be located in the public right-of-way and shall not be located to obstruct views within the visibility triangle of any street or driveway intersection. No OAS shall be permitted within 150 feet of any Residential, AC, F or AG Zoning District. Further, the OASs shall not be located within 250 feet of any other freestanding or wall mounted OAS (11) (12) (10)
2 per OAS structure
30 feet (10)
(8) Those new OASs shall be allowed only along Federal Aid Primary (FAP) or Federal Aid Interstate (FAI) routes, as designated by IDOT, as of January 1, 1998, in areas zoned Commercial or Industrial and within 500 feet of either side of the routes. Interstate 74 is an FAI; Illinois Route 47 and U.S. Route 150 are considered FAPs.
(9) “Back-to-back” shall mean faces erected at a parallel plane separated by no greater than 3 feet, or faces erected at no greater than a 45 degree angle to each other.
(10) If an OAS is: directed primarily towards users of a highway in the National Interstate and Defense Highway System (i.e. Interstate Highway 74); within 500 feet of the right-of-way of the highway; and more than 500 feet from any residential district, school, park, hospital, nursing home or other OAS, then the sign may be erected to a height as to be visible from a distance of 1/2-mile on the highway or a maximum height of 45 feet, whichever is less, and the sign may have an area not greater than 300 square feet. These regulations apply only to OASs facing Interstate Highway 74; they do not apply to OASs facing Federal Aid-Primary Highways.
(11) For purposes of determining separation measurements, the following shall apply:
a. Separation measurements between OASs shall be measured along same side of a street.
b. Measurements from wall OASs shall be made from the closest edge or projection of the OAS to the structure from which it is being separated.
c. Measurements from freestanding OASs shall be made from the closest ground projection or support of the structure to the structure from which it is being separated.
(12) Compliance with these regulations, or those contained in the Illinois Advertising Control Act of 1971, as amended (ILCS Ch. 225, Act 440, §§ 1 et seq.), whichever is stricter, shall be required.
(Ord. passed 7-23-2002; Ord. 17-09-02, passed 9-26-2017)