The following types of signs shall be allowed in all districts:
   (A)   Public signs. Signs of a public, noncommercial nature, including safety signs, danger signs, trespassing signs, traffic signs, signs indicating scenic or historical points of interest, memorial plaques and the like, and all signs erected by or on order of a public officer in the performance of a public duty;
   (B)   Flags. Flags bearing the official design of a nation, state, municipality, organization or other public institution. Other non-official flags shall be not more than 40 square feet in area;
   (C)   Identification signs. Exterior signs which identify the business owner, manager or resident of a building and set forth the address of the premises where the sign is located, and which contain no other material; there may be two signs per premises, each sign not to exceed one square foot in area. The total height of the sign, if freestanding, shall not exceed five feet;
   (D)   Integral signs. Names of buildings, dates of construction, commemorative tablets and the like, when carved into stone, concrete or similar material or made of bronze, aluminum or other permanent type of construction and made an integral part of the building or structure. Those signs should not exceed 12 square feet in area;
   (E)   Institutional signs. Any sign or bulletin board setting forth, or denoting the name of or simple announcement for any public, charitable, education or religious institution, when located on the premises of the institution, provided the sign or bulletin board or both shall not exceed a total of 20 square feet in display surface. If building mounted, these signs shall be flat wall signs, and shall not project above the roof line or front facade of the building. If freestanding, the total height shall not exceed six feet;
   (F)   Private traffic direction signs and related signs. Signs directing traffic movement onto a premises or within a premises, when the signs are located on the premises, shall not exceed five square feet in area for each sign and, if freestanding, shall not exceed eight feet in total height. Those signs are considered to include parking directions, exit or entrance signs, drive-up window signs, disabled parking signs, restroom signs and the like. Horizontal directional signs flush with paved areas are exempt from these standards;
   (G)   Political campaign signs. Signs or posters announcing the candidates seeking public political office and/or political issues, and data pertinent thereto, up to an area of 16 square feet. All signs shall be confined to private property. Signs or posters that interfere with other permitted signage or that create a traffic or safety hazard are not allowed;
   (H)   Real estate sale/auction, rental, or construction signs.
      (1)   Signs may be freestanding or wall-mounted only.
      (2)   Signs may not emit direct illumination.
      (3)   Location of signs:
         (a)   Signs shall not be attached to or otherwise placed or affixed on public property, utility boxes and poles, traffic control poles, or in the public right-of-way;
         (b)   Signs shall not be placed within the site visibility triangle, unless the sign placed is two feet or less in height. All improperly placed signage is subject to immediate removal by village staff;
         (c)   Signs must be located on the property to which it pertains;
         (d)   Signs must maintain a ten foot minimum set back from curb line.
      (4)   Time limit:
         (a)   Signs stating the property has been sold or rented must be removed within seven days upon the closing of the sale or initiation of the lease. No directional signs indicating a property has been sold shall be allowed at any time;
         (b)   Signs pertaining to site construction, alteration or repair shall be removed within seven days after completion of the work;
         (c)   Signs pertaining to subdivision of property shall be permitted for up to two years from the date of recording of the final plat;
         (d)   Signs pertaining to a real estate auction must be removed within 24 hours after the event. One off-site directional sign is allowed which indicates the location of the auction. Signs may be placed up to two weeks prior to the auction event. Signs may not be located in public right of way or on public property, and must have permission from any private property owner for which the off-site sign is located.
      (5)   Maximum number of signs: one sign shall be permitted per frontage.
      (6)   Maximum area of signs:
         (a)   R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, and R-2: six square feet;
         (b)   R-3: ten square feet;
         (c)   AG, AC, FP, C-1: 32 square feet;
         (d)   C-2, C-3, I-2: 50 square feet.
      (7)   Maximum height of signs:
         (a)   RS, R-1, RU and R-2: three feet;
         (b)   R-3: five feet;
         (c)   C-1: eight feet;
         (d)   C-2, C-3, I-1 and I-2: ten feet.
      (8)   Open house signs:
         (a)   Allowed only on the property for which it pertains;
         (b)   May be displayed up to two days in advance of the event;
         (c)   Must be removed immediately after open house hours;
         (d)   Feather flags are allowed on the property for which the open house is located and may be displayed only during the hours of the open house;
         (e)   Two off-site directional signs are allowed which indicates the location of the open house. Directional signs are permitted to be placed on private property from 12:00 noon Friday through 6:00 p.m. Sunday. Whoever is placing an off-site directional sign must have permission from the private property owner where the off-site sign is placed.
   (I)   Home occupation signs.
      (1)   Location of sign: signs may either be wall mounted or freestanding and may not be located in a required front yard or public right of way.
      (2)   Maximum number of signs: one per premises;
      (3)   Maximum area of sign: two square feet.
   (J)   Holiday signs. Either illuminated or unilluminated, and which are displayed for a period not to exceed 30 days before, and no more than seven days following the pertinent holiday;
   (K)   Underground public utility warning signs;
   (L)   House or building address. The individual characters of the signs shall not exceed six inches in height and must be at least two and one-half inches in height. There shall not be more than one address sign for each dwelling. Address signs shall face the street to which they apply;
   (M)   Garage sale/estate sale auction signs. 
      (1)   Location of signs:
         (a)   Signs shall not be attached to or otherwise placed or affixed on public property, utility boxes and poles, traffic control poles, in the public right-of-way, or within the site visibility triangle. All improperly placed signage is subject to immediate removal by village staff.
         (b)   One off-site directional sign may be located at the entrance to the subdivision/neighborhood for which the garage sale is located or one off-site directional sign may be located at the closest major road intersection from the garage sale location. The directional sign may not be located in public right of way or on public property, and must have permission from any private property owner for which the off-site sign is located.
         (c)   One off-site directional sign may be used to provide direction within a neighborhood or from the major street intersection.
         (d)   Signs must maintain a minimum ten foot setback from the street curb.
      (2)   Time limit:
         (a)   No garage sale shall be more than four days in duration and the collective total of all such sales shall not exceed four events in any calendar year.
         (b)   Signs pertaining to a garage sale shall not be in place for more than two days before the event and must be removed immediately following the closing of the event.
      (3)   Maximum number of signs: three signs shall be permitted per garage sale event. This includes the total signage provided on-site and any off-site directional signage.
      (4)   Maximum area of signs: four square feet for on-site signs, two and one half square feet for off-site directional signage.
   (N)   Wayfinding signs. see village wayfinding sign program.
(Ord. passed 7-23-2002; Ord. 17-09-02, passed 9-26-2017; Ord. 22-11-04, passed 11-22-2022)