(A) Specific area, height and yard regulations for certain public and quasi-public utility uses, including public utility substations and communications towers, may be established by the Village Plan and Zoning Commission and Board of Trustees on a case-by-case basis through the conditional use process.
(B) These regulations shall supersede those in § 152.090.
(C) These regulations shall be set forth with consideration of circumstances unique to the utility uses, including the following.
(1) Required lot areas may be minimal due to the typically small size of utility substation buildings and equipment enclosures. A lot size of 4,000 square feet is a suggested minimum.
(2) Required lot widths may also be minimal due to the small size of buildings and enclosures. A lot width of 40 feet is a suggested minimum.
(3) Lot frontage on a public street may not be necessary since utility substations and communications towers are generally only visited for routine maintenance purposes. In those cases, access may be provided by easement across adjacent lands.
(4) In cases where a lot is replatted for utility use, yard setbacks may be measured from the exterior lot lines of the larger lot. Setbacks may be reduced so long as minimum setbacks along public streets are maintained, visibility along all roadways is maintained, and minimum side yard separation is maintained from other existing or potential structures. Setback requirements may be increased for yards adjacent to residential zoning or uses.
(5) Heights for communications towers may be allowable up to 200 feet, so long as associated distances from residentially zoned or used properties are maintained, and appropriate permits from federal and state agencies are obtained.
(6) Site fencing may be required.
(7) Site landscaping and buffering from adjacent uses may be required.
(8) Minimum distances from residentially zoned or used properties may be required for communications towers.
(9) Other conditions may be imposed consistent with the findings required in § 152.120.
(Ord. passed 7-23-2002)