The purpose of the R-1C Single-Family Residential District is to provide for detached single-family dwellings with related uses on medium sized lots. The R-1C District is intended to be a transitional area between more intensive uses and less intensive single-family residential uses.
(A) Permissive uses:
(1) Single-family dwelling;
(2) Public park or playground;
(3) Church;
(4) Public school, elementary and high, or private school having a curriculum equivalent to a public elementary or public high school and having no rooms regularly used for housing or sleeping purposes;
(5) Golf course except miniature course or driving range;
(6) Large-scale residential development; and
(7) Community living facility dwelling, Category I.
(B) Conditional uses:
(1) Public building erected by any governmental agency;
(2) Hospital, nursing home and educational, philanthropic or religious institution on site of not less than five acres, provided further that the building shall be set back from all required yard lines an additional foot for each foot of building height;
(3) Nursery, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, play, special and other private school or day care center;
(4) Greenhouse or nursery;
(5) Antique stores when located in a residential structure which is operator-occupied, where OPERATOR shall mean the owner of the establishment or the owner’s agent, provided that not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residential structure be devoted to the use of the antique store, provided further that the remaining 50% be devoted to the residential use of the structure, provided further that no more than one non-illuminated sign, not exceeding four square feet may be erected on the property;
(6) Tea rooms when located in a residential structure which is operator-occupied, where OPERATOR shall mean the owner of the establishment or the owner’s agent, provided that not more than 50% of the gross floor area of the residential structure be devoted to the use of the tea room, provided further that the remaining 50% be devoted to the residential use of the structure, provided further that no more than one non-illuminated sign, not exceeding four square feet may be erected on the property;
(7) Bed and breakfast establishments, provided that one off-street parking space per guest room rented out is provided in addition to the required spaces for the residential use, provided further that no more than one non-illuminated sign, not exceeding four square feet, and not including the words “hotel” or “motel” may be erected on the property; and
(8) Public utility substations.
(Ord. passed 7-23-2002; Ord. 17-09-02, passed 9-26-2017)