(A)   No village issued certificate to engage in the business of operating a vehicle for hire shall be issued unless:
      (1)   The vehicle for hire bears a state license plate duly issued and appropriate for vehicles for hire;
      (2)   The vehicle for hire is equipped with proper brakes, lights, tires, horn, muffler, rear vision mirror, windshield wiper, speedometer, and when applicable, an approved taximeter in good condition to record the amount of fare to be charged for each trip;
      (3)   The vehicle for hire has been thoroughly and carefully inspected and found by the village to be in clean, sanitary, safe, and good mechanical condition for the transportation of passengers; and
   (4)   A written certificate of the inspection required by this section is filed with the Village Administrator.
   (B)   The Village Administrator may require the inspection of every vehicle for hire in operation to determine whether such vehicle meets the requirements of this chapter. The inspections required may be conducted by the village or by such duly qualified persons as the Village Administrator may direct. The schedule of inspections shall be as follows:
      (1)   One inspection per year for vehicles manufactured less than three years from the date of inspection or vehicles with under 75,000 miles on the odometer.
      (2)   One inspection every six months for vehicles manufactured three to five years from the date of inspection or vehicles with 75,001 miles to 125,000 miles on the odometer.
      (3)   One inspection every four months for vehicles manufactured over five years from the date of inspection or with over 125,000 miles on the odometer.
      (4)   Additional inspections may be required as often as the apparent condition of the vehicle warrants.
   (C)   The licensee shall pay all required fees for all inspections before a certificate of inspection will be issued.
(Ord. 11-06-01, passed 6-28-2011) Penalty, see § 111.999