(A)   There is hereby imposed and levied upon all users of the village water supply and distribution facilities charges and fees as are hereinafter fixed by ordinance to be utilized by the village as hereafter provided to pay for operation, maintenance and replacement costs for the village water treatment and distribution facilities as well as related and appropriate costs including, but not limited to, financing costs, administrative costs, and capital improvement costs.
   (B)   The water rates (the “rates”) to be paid by users of the village’s waterworks system, based upon the monthly consumption per-gallon of water, shall be as follows:
Water facility charge:
$5.00 per month per customer
Water usage charge:
   $.68 per 100 gallons of use
For water use up to 50,000 gallons
   $.58 per 100 gallons of use
For water use over 50,000 gallons
   (C)   With respect to users located outside of the village’s corporate limits, the applicable water usage charge shall be as follows:
Water facilities charge:
$5.00 per month per customer
Water usage charge:
   $.75 per 100 gallons of use
For water use up to 50,000 gallons
   $.65 per 100 gallons of use
For water use over 50,000 gallons
   (D)   With respect to users of outside use only water meters located inside the village’s corporate limits, the applicable water usage charge shall be as follows:
Water facilities charge:
$8.00 per month per customer
Water usage charge:
   $.68 per 100 gallons of use
For water use up to 50,000 gallons
   $.58 per 100 gallons of use
For water use over 50,000 gallons
   (E)   The rates established above in divisions (B), (C) and (D) hereof may be stated in bills therefor submitted to users or to the person to whom the bills are to be sent broken down into such elements or subparts as shall be desirable or necessary to comply with generally accepted accounting principles, sound engineering principles or the requirements of the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency or other authority having jurisdiction in that connection.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018; Ord. 19-03-02, passed 3-26-2019; Ord. 20-03-04, passed 3-17-2020; Ord. 21-04-02, passed 4-27-2021; Ord. 23-04-01, passed 4-25-2023)