(A)   Pursuant to provisions of §§ 3-4-19 and 3-11-28, Chapter 24, Ill. Rev. Stat. (1987), the Village Clerk shall be appointed Village Collector by the Village President with the advice and consent of the Village Board.
   (B)   The Village Collector shall serve a one-year term, or until his or her successor is appointed and qualified, as provided by statute.
   (C)   The Village Collector shall have duties as the Board of Trustees shall from time to time provide in accordance with applicable statutes, and the following duties:
      (1)   Compute, bill and collect all water usage statements for the village;
      (2)   Compute, bill and collect all garbage collection fees for the village;
      (3)   Compute, bill and collect all sewerage usage statements for the village;
      (4)   File all liens for unpaid water, sewerage usage statements and garbage collection fees;
      (5)   Act as Secretary of the Public Works Hearing Committee;
      (6)   Maintain and keep up-to-date records of the village’s water and sewerage usage statements and garbage collection fees;
      (7)   To attend meetings of the Public Works Committee as requested and provide the Committee with assistance and information as necessary; and
      (8)   Other duties as from time to time may be mutually agreed upon by the Board of Trustees and the Village Collector.
   (D)   The salary for the Village Collector shall be fixed by the Village Board of Trustees as per the annual appropriations ordinance.
(Ord. 88-12-03, passed 12-21-1988)