   (A)   Use of fire hydrants. Except for extinguishment of fires, no person, unless authorized by the Public Works Director or Public Utilities Department, shall operate fire hydrants or interfere in any way with the water system without first obtaining a permit to do so from the city as follows:
      (1)   A permit to use a fire hydrant shall be issued for each individual job or contract and for a minimum of 30 days and for the additional 30 day period as the city shall determine. The permit shall state the location of the hydrant and shall be for the use of that hydrant and none other.
      (2)   The user shall make an advance cash deposit to guarantee payment for water used and to cover breakage and damage to the hydrant and meter, which shall be refunded upon expiration of the permit, less applicable charges for use.
      (3)   The user shall relinquish the use of the hydrant to authorized city employees in emergency situations.
      (4)   The user shall pay a rental charge as established pursuant to § 52.51 for each day including Sundays and legal holidays, and a fee as established by the Ordinance Establishing Fees and Charges adopted pursuant to § 30.11 of this code, as that ordinance may be amended from time to time for each 1,000 gallons of water used.
      (5)   Connections to a public water supply to fill tankers must follow backflow prevention standards. The connection will have a reduced pressure zone backflow device.
   (B)   Temporary connection to fire hydrants. An owner of a private water system may make a temporary above ground connection to a fire hydrant, subject to the time periods, conditions, and payment specified in § 52.51. In addition, the method of connection to the private system shall conform to all existing requirements of this chapter and city ordinance and the type of meter used shall meet the approval of the Utilities Superintendent.
Penalty, see § 10.99
   The city shall not be liable for any deficiency or failure in the supply of water to consumers, whether occasioned by shutting the water off for the purpose of making repairs or connections or from any other cause whatsoever. In case of fire, or alarm of fire, or in making repairs of construction of new works, water may be shut off without notice at any time and kept off as long as necessary. For non-payment of charges, water service may be discontinued according to the procedures established in § 52.72.
(Ord. 5-2018, passed 7-2-2018)
   (A)   Purpose. This section establishes water conservation restrictions; and the plan will be in effect any time the city's primary water emergency response coordinator or secondary water emergency response coordinator determines that a shortage of water supply threatens the city, the mayor and/or council declares there is a water emergency, and/or the governor declares there is a critical water deficiency, pursuant to M.S. § 103G.291.
   (B)   Definitions.
      CLERK. In statutory cities, means the person assigned duties pursuant to M.S. § 412.151.
      DEPARTMENT. The city Utility Department.
      EMERGENCY. When the city's primary water emergency response coordinator or secondary water emergency response coordinator determines that a shortage of water supply threatens the city, the mayor and/or council declares there is a water emergency, and/or the governor declares there is a critical water deficiency, pursuant to M.S. § 103G.291.
      IRRIGATION. The watering of shrubs, trees, sod, seeded areas, gardens, lawns, or any other outdoor vegetation, except outdoor vegetation utilized for agricultural purposes.
      NOTIFICATION. To public means notification through local media outlets, including interviews and issuance of news releases.
      PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIER. The City of Mahnomen, as defined in M.S. § 144.382, Subd. 4, as it may be amended from time to time.
      RECLAIMED WATER. Water collected from rooftops, paved surfaces, or other collection devices and all water utilized more than once before re-entering the natural water cycle.
      WATER RECIRCULATION SYSTEM. Any system which enables a user to reuse water at least once prior to returning the water to the natural water cycle.
   (C)   Application.
      (1)   This section applies to all customers of public water suppliers who own or control water use on any premises.
      (2)   No person shall make, cause, use, or permit the use of water received from a public water supply for residential, commercial, industrial, governmental, or any other purpose in any manner contrary to any provision in this section.
      (3)   Mandatory emergency conservation measures shall be implemented based upon the city's primary water emergency response coordinator or secondary water emergency response coordinator determining that there is a shortage to the water supply system which may threaten the city, the mayor and/or council declares there is a water emergency, and/or the governor declares there is a critical water deficiency, pursuant to M.S. § 103G.291.
   (D)   Ability to determine a water emergency. The primary water emergency response coordinator or the secondary water emergency response coordinator as identified in the city's water conservation and standard operation plan shall have the authority to declare a Level 1 or Level 2 emergency. The Mayor, City Council or Governor shall have the authority to declare either a water emergency or a critical water deficiency. If a water emergency or a critical water deficiency is declared that shall trigger a Level 3 emergency. The city shall immediately post notice of the Level 1, 2, or 3 emergency at the usual city posting boards. The city shall also provide notification to the public as quickly following the procedures as laid out in the city's water conservation and standard operation plan.
   (E)   Mandatory emergency water conservation measures. 
      (1)   Upon the declaration of a Level 1 emergency the following mandatory restrictions upon nonessential water use shall be enforced:
         (a)   Outdoor irrigation of yards, gardens, golf courses, parklands, and other non-agricultural land, except for those areas irrigated with reclaimed water, shall be restricted to being watered on an odd/even calendar cycle.
         (b)   The filling of swimming pools, fountains, spas, or other exterior water features is prohibited.
         (c)   The city's top five water users shall begin implementing their emergency water conservation plan.
      (2)   Upon the declaration of a Level 2 emergency the following mandatory restrictions upon nonessential water use shall be enforced:
         (a)   Outdoor irrigation of yards, gardens, golf courses, parklands, and other non-agricultural land, except for those areas irrigated with reclaimed water, shall be prohibited.
         (b)   The city's top ten water users shall begin implementation of their emergency water conservation plan.
         (c)   The washing of automobiles, trucks, trailers, and other types of mobile equipment is prohibited, except at facilities equipped with water recirculation systems, and for vehicles requiring frequent washing to protect public health, safety, and welfare.
      (3)   Upon the declaration of a Level 3 emergency the following mandatory restrictions upon nonessential water use shall be enforced: in addition, to the above mentioned restrictions for a Level 2 emergency, all outdoor water usage shall be prohibited.
   (F)   Variance. Reserved.
   (G)   Violations. After posting of the notice, no person shall use, or permit water to be used, in violation of this section, and any customer who does so shall be charged a fee set by resolution of the Council for each day of violation and the charge shall be added to his next water bill. If the emergency requires immediate compliance with terms of the ordinance, the Council may provide for the delivery of a copy of the notice to the premises of each customer, and any customer who has received such notice and thereafter uses or permits water to be used in violation of the ordinance shall be subject to the charge provided above. Continued violation shall be cause for discontinuance of water service.
   (H)   Enforcement. The City Clerk or his/her designee is authorized to designate city employees or law enforcement personnel to enforce the provision of this section.
(Ord. 5-2018, passed 7-2-2018)
   No more than one housing unit or building shall be supplied from one service connection except by permission of City Council. Each unit served shall have a separate water meter.
Penalty, see § 10.99