(A)   Certificates of occupancy shall not be issued until all provisions of this chapter have been met. All square footage is in leasable square feet. Additional or supplemental provisions for specific districts are described herein. Uses less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) leasable square feet are exempt from parking requirements.
   (B)   Any use not specifically addressed or referred to in this list shall have parking requirements determined by the Administrative Official. Where two (2) or more standards exist for determining the number of spaces, the one (1) yielding the greatest number shall govern.
   (C)   Table of parking space requirements.
Parking Spaces Required  *see note after table for mixed uses
Assisted living facility
1 space per 3 residents plus 1 space per employee of largest shift
Athletic field
20 space per diamond or athletic field or 1 space per 4 seats (equal to two feet of bench length), whichever is greater
Auction house
1 space per 4 patron seats
Auditorium/performing arts
1 space per 4 patron seats plus 1 space per two employees
Auto body shop/oil change shop/auto repair
1 space per service bay plus 1 space per mechanic
Auto parts store
1 space per 500 square feet
Auto rental
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, including rental auto spaces
Automobile sales
2 spaces per employee
Auto wash
3 stack-up spaces per washer bay
Bank/financial institution
1 space per 250 square feet plus 5 stacking spaces per drive-through lane
Barber shop/beauty shop
2 spaces per chair plus 1 space per barber/ beautician
Basketball court
7 spaces per court
Bed and breakfast
1 space per sleeping room plus 1 space per resident
Bowling alley
4 spaces per lane
Bus terminal
1 space per 250 square feet of waiting room
Civic use
1 space per employee at largest shift plus 1 space per 500 square feet of space used by the public
Clubs/lodges/country club
1 space per 400 square feet of lodge area plus 2 spaces per hole on golf course; 2 spaces per tennis court; 1 space per 150 square feet of surface for swimming pool
Coin-operated laundry
1 space per 2 machines
College/secondary school
1 space per 5 classroom seats
Community building
4 spaces per 1,000 square feet
Construction sales/service
1 space per 1,000 square feet
Contractor's yard
1 space per 500 square feet of yard
Day care center
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 8 children
2 spaces per dwelling unit plus 1 additional space per bathroom over 2.5
Educational facility: Preschool, kindergarten
2 spaces per teacher plus 1 loading space per 8 pupils
Educational facility: Elementary, middle school
1 space per classroom plus 1 space per 150 students at design capacity
Educational facility: High school, secondary
2 spaces per 3 teachers plus 1 space per 5 students at design capacity
Fire/police station
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 3 volunteer personnel on a normal shift
Funeral home
1 space per 4 seats
Gasoline service station
1 space per employee plus 2 spaces per service bay or 5 fuel pumps
Group home
1 space per 4 beds plus 1 space per employee
1 space per 4 persons of maximum occupancy
1 space per 4 beds plus 1 space per 2 employees of largest shift
1 space per 2 guest units plus 1 space per 6 seats in public meeting rooms and restaurants
Junk yard/salvage yard
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 10,000 square feet of yard
1 space per 500 square feet
Lumber yard
1 space per 500 square feet
Manufacturing/industrial use
1 space per 2 employees of largest shift plus space for all vehicles associated with use
Medical/dental clinic
3 spaces per doctor plus 1 space per employee
Mini-storage facility
1 space per 7 storage units
Mobile home park/court
2 spaces per mobile home space; if clubhouse is in park, an additional 2 spaces per 20 mobile home spaces
1 space per 500 square feet
1 space per 2 acres of land, minimum of 3 spaces
Nursing home
1 space per 5 beds plus 1 space per employee
Office/office unit
1 space per 300 square feet
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 1,000 square feet
1 space per 3 users at maximum utilization
Plumbing/heating supply
1 space per 1,000 square feet plus 1 space per employee
Pool hall/game room
1 space per 8 persons of maximum occupancy
Post office
1 customer space per 200 square feet of mailbox and sales area plus 1.5 spaces per employee
Radio/TV station
1 space per 2 employees
Rehabilitation house
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 3 occupants at design capacity
Religious institution
1 space per 6 seats of the main assembly room/sanctuary
Residential care facility
1 space per 4 beds plus 1 space per employee of largest shift
1 space per employee plus 1 space per 4 seats
Restaurant - fast food
1 space per 60 square feet
Retail - outdoor
1 space per 1,000 square feet of display area
Rooming/boarding house
1 space per sleeping room plus 1 space per non-resident owner or employee
School: Dance, gymnastic, karate, etc.
1 space per 300 square feet
Shopping center
1 space per store employee plus 12 spaces per store
Skating rink
1 space per 300 square feet
Stadium/sports arena
10 spaces per acre of land plus 1 space per 6 spectator seats
Swimming pool
1 space per 50 square feet of surface area
1 space per 5 seats at design capacity
Transport and warehousing
1 space per 2,500 square feet
Wholesale establishment
1 space per 150 square feet
Vet clinic/animal hospital
1 space per employee plus 4 spaces per doctor
Unspecified Retail/service establishment
1 space per 300 square feet
* Mixed uses shall provide parking equal to the sum of the individual uses.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)