   Landscaping shall be required as a buffer between non-compatible land uses with common property boundaries. Landscape buffer areas shall be designed, provided and maintained according to the following:
      (A)   A permanent landscape buffer of evergreen plant material or other suitable buffer as approved by the Administrative Official is required where a non-compatible use abuts a residential use.
      (B)   Trees which are intended to provide screening to separate non-compatible uses shall not be planted further than ten (10) feet apart; parking and loading facilities which are located adjacent to residential areas shall be additionally screened to a minimum height of three (3) feet (via on earth berm, depressed parking, solid fence, etc.) to reduce automobile headlight glare onto adjacent property.
      (C)   Where vegetative or topographic conditions that provide a natural screening and buffer exist prior to development of properties in question and meet or exceed the minimum requirements, every effort shall be made to retain such conditions. In such cases additional screening may not be required, provided that provision is made for maintenance of such condition to the satisfaction of the Administrative Official.
      (D)   All landscaping shall utilize living plant materials (not artificial) and shall be planted in-ground (not in above-ground planters) and shall be suitable to the western Kentucky area and specific conditions of the site in question.
      (E)   The owner of the property shall be responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing all required plant material and ensuring that they remain in good health and are kept free from refuse and debris. Any dead, unhealthy or missing plants shall be replaced by the next planting season or within one (1) year, whichever comes first. All landscape planting areas shall be stabilized from soil erosion immediately upon planting and shall be maintained for the duration of the premises. In the event that plant material is severely damaged due to an unusual weather occurrence or other Act of God, the owner shall have six (6) months to replant.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   All open storage of merchandise, material, automobiles, trucks and equipment shall be screened (approved by the Administrative Official) by either a wall, fencing or evergreen planting at the side and rear of the lot abutting a residential use on which said storage occurs; the height of which shall be adequate to obstruct the visibility of such materials from the abutting residential use. In all zoning districts, dumpsters are required to be screened.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   To ensure that landscape materials do not constitute a driving hazard, a sight triangle shall be observed at all street intersections or intersection of driveways or alleys with streets or railroad crossings.
   (B)   The site triangle shall consist of the area measured within the radius of twenty (20) feet from the point where the curb line of any street, driveway or alley intersects the curb line of another street, driveway or alley. Within this sight triangle, no landscape material nor other fixed object shall obstruct vision between a height of three (3) feet and a height of ten (10) feet above the average elevation of the existing surfaces at the center line of each street, driveway or alley.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   In the event that the unusual topography or elevation of a development site or the location or size of the parcel to be developed would make strict adherence to the requirements of this chapter serve no meaningful purpose or would make it physically impossible to install and maintain the required screen and buffer, the Administrative Official may alter the requirements provided the spirit and intent is maintained.
   (B)   Such an alteration may occur only at the written request of the owner/developer, who shall submit a plan to the Administrative Official showing existing site features that would screen the proposed use and any additional screening materials the owner/developer may propose to have installed.
   (C)   The Administrative Official shall have no authority to alter the screening and buffer requirements unless the subdivider/developer demonstrates that existing site features and any additional screening materials will screen the proposed use as effectively as the required screen.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)