   No driveway shall be connected onto the city right-of-way without first obtaining an encroachment permit. This is to ensure that original construction of all access drives meet the standards of the city and, more specifically, to improve and promote proper surface drainage of water.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   All applications for change of use permits shall be accompanied by building plans; a recorded plat, if available, and deed showing the actual dimensions and shape of the lot and the exact sizes and locations on the lot of existing buildings.
   (B)   The application shall include such other information as lawfully may be required by the appropriate Building Inspector, Administrative Official or any other department involved in the change of use permit process, as may be necessary to determine conformance with, and provide for, the enforcement of other ordinances. Any change of use shall be according to all applicable building codes, as amended.
   (C)   If the proposed change of use conforms to all applicable provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances, regulations and codes, the Administrative Official shall approve a change of use permit authorizing such change.
   (D)   If the proposed change of use fails to conform, the Administrative Official shall refuse to approve a change of use permit and shall deliver written notice to the applicant stating the reason for the refusal.
   (E)   The Administrative Official shall act upon the applications for change of use permit within ten (10) days from the date of submission of a complete application.
   (F)   If the change of use is not implemented within six (6) months from the date the change of use permit was issued, the permit is void.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   No building or other structure shall be erected, moved, added to or structurally altered without a permit issued by the Administrative Official.
   (B)   No building permit shall be issued by the Administrative Official except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, unless the Administrative Official receives a written order from the Board of Adjustments in the form of an administrative review, conditional use permit or variance as provided by this chapter.
   (C)   If no building permit has been issued and approved and a builder begins or continues to build, a restraining order may be obtained upon application to the proper court of record and evidence of the lack of a building permit shall establish a prima facie case for the issuance of the restraining order. Further legal action may be taken as necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter.
   (D)   All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by building/development plans in accordance with § 156.075 and such other matters as may be necessary to determine conformance with, and provide for, the enforcement of other ordinances.
   (E)   If the proposed construction or alteration conforms to all applicable provisions of this chapter and all other applicable ordinances, regulations and codes, the Administrative Official shall approve a building permit authorizing such construction or alteration.
   (F)   If the proposed construction or alteration fails to conform, the Administrative Official shall refuse to approve a building permit and shall deliver written notice to the applicant stating the reason for the refusal.
   (G)   Building permits issued on the basis of plans and applications approved by the Administrative Official, authorize only the use, arrangement and constructions set forth in such approved plans and applications and no other use, arrangement or construction. Use, arrangement or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed a violation of this subchapter, and punishable as provided in this subchapter.
   (H)   The building permit shall become void six (6) months from date of issuance unless substantial progress has been made on construction or alteration by that date.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)
   (A)   The Administrative Official is hereby authorized to review and approve or disapprove all minor development plans for structures and/or land uses within the city in accordance with standards set forth in this chapter. Minor development plan is defined as any proposed structure or combination of structures having five thousand (5,000) square feet or less, disturbing less than one (1) acre and not involving street or utility extensions.
   (B)   Major development plans are to be reviewed and approved or disapproved within the city in accordance with standards set forth in this chapter, by the Administrative Official and the Administrative Official of the Planning Commission. Major development plan is defined as any proposed structure or combination of structures greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet, and/or on sites disturbing one (1) acre or more and/or requiring street or utility extensions. Major development plans having a structure or combined structures greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet and/or are part of a larger development or redevelopment plan greater than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet require approval from the Hopkins County Joint Planning Commission.
   (C)   Single family structures are exempt from these requirements.
   (D)   All development plan reviews will be in conjunction with all pertinent utilities and departments (city and non-city).
   (E)   A pre-development meeting shall be held with the applicant and the Administrative Official(s) prior to the preparation and formal submission of a development plan. The intent of the pre-development meeting is to enable the applicant to inform the Administrative Official(s) of the basic site design concept, advise the applicant as to potential issues or concerns and to generally determine the information to be included on the development plan. In order to accomplish these objectives, the applicant shall provide a rough sketch showing the location and dimensions of all structures, parking areas, points of ingress/egress, signs, landscaping and any anticipated changes in the site's natural features. Two (2) copies of the sketch are required; one (1) to be retained by the Administrative Official and the other returned to the applicant with any comments.
   (F)   Minor development plan requirements (developments having five thousand (5,000) square feet or less and/or; disturbing less than one (1) acre and/or not involving new streets or utility extensions). The development plan shall include the following:
      (1)   The plan shall be legible, drawn in ink and to scale, including vicinity map, north arrow, scale and date. Minimum scale one (1) inch is the same as sixty (60) feet. If more than two (2) pages, an index sheet is required;
      (2)   The title of the drawing, name, address and telephone number(s) of the owner and developer as well as the person responsible for preparing the drawing;
      (3)   Where applicable, the plan must be stamped and dated with the certificate of a design professional (each sheet and drawing document shall be stamped and dated);
      (4)   A copy of the deed and any recorded plat of the property;
      (5)   PVA map and parcel numbers and the property address;
      (6)   The boundaries of the property, easements, setback lines, and interior lot lines drawn to scale with dimensions. All dimensions should be given to the nearest foot. Total property size, given in square feet, must also be included;
      (7)   Location, dimensions, square footage and primary use of all existing and/or proposed buildings with distances to the property lines and distances between structures;
      (8)   Names of all adjacent streets and all points of ingress and egress (both existing and proposed) including right-of-way width and pavement width;
      (9)   Location and arrangement of all loading areas, parking areas and interior circulation including parking space sizes, driving lane widths and handicap detail;
      (10)   Location of any outdoor storage, including dumpsters and other waste disposal areas, and types of buffering/screening (all dumpsters must be screened);
      (11)   Location, size and design of all existing and proposed signs;
      (12)   Location of all landscaping and screening requirements;
      (13)   Location, intensity, type, size and direction of existing and proposed outdoor lighting;
      (14)   Indicate direction of water runoff. Any natural stream or important surface drainage
course must be included on the plan. Drainage improvements shall maintain any natural watercourse and shall prevent the collection of water in low areas unless part of an approved stormwater detention/retention facility;
      (15)   Erosion control plan shall be provided showing location of silt fences, construction
entrances, inlet/outlet protection, etc.;
      (16)   Estimated project construction schedule;
      (17)   Public utilities may be withheld until a certificate of occupancy is issued;
      (18)   Multiple copies of the development plan are required (as determined by the Administrative Official).
   (G)   Major development plan requirements (developments having a structure or combined structures greater than five thousand (5,000) square feet and/or on sites disturbing one (1) acre or more; and/or requiring street or utility extensions). The major development plan shall be submitted to the city's Administrative Official who will then coordinate the review process. Said plan shall include the following:
      (1)   The plan shall be legible, drawn in ink and to scale, including vicinity map, north arrow, scale and date. Minimum scale one (1) inch is the same as sixty (60) feet. If more than two (2) pages, an index sheet is required;
      (2)   The title of the drawing, name, address and telephone number(s) of the owner and developer as well as the person responsible for preparation of the drawing;
      (3)   The plan must be stamped and dated with the certificate of a design professional where applicable. Every plan sheet and drawing document shall be stamped and dated, where applicable;
      (4)   A copy of the deed and any recorded plat of the property;
      (5)   PVA map and parcel numbers and the property address;
      (6)   The boundaries of the property, easements, setback lines, and interior lot lines drawn to scale with dimensions. All dimensions should be given to the nearest foot. Total property size, given in square feet, must also be included;
      (7)   Location, dimensions, square footage and primary use of all existing and/or proposed buildings with distances to the property lines and distances between structures;
      (8)   Names of all adjacent streets and all points of ingress and egress (both existing and proposed) including right-of-way width and pavement width;
      (9)   Location and arrangement of all loading areas, parking areas and interior circulation including parking space sizes, driving lane widths and handicap detail;
      (10)   Location of any outdoor storage, including dumpsters and other waste disposal areas, and types of buffering/screening (all dumpsters must be screened);
      (11)   Location, size and design of all existing and proposed signs;
      (12)   Location of all landscaping and screening requirements;
      (13)   Location, intensity, type, size and direction of existing and proposed outdoor lighting;
      (14)   Location and size of existing and/or proposed extensions of public water (including water mains, valves and hydrants), sanitary and storm sewers (including force mains, gravity sewer, manholes and culverts), and all associated easements that are within or adjacent to the site;
      (15)   Grading and drainage plan, including proposed contours, natural streams or important surface drainage courses, and associated easements. Drainage improvements shall maintain any natural watercourse and shall prevent the collection of water in low areas unless part of an approved stormwater detention/retention facility. If applicable, location of floodplain and/or floodway and any other flood prone areas. All drainage calculations are to be presented on or with the site plan;
      (16)   Stormwater plan shall be provided showing the post development run off rates which
shall be reduced from the pre-development run off rate by ten percent (10%) if there are structures downstream that are currently in a special flood hazard area as defined by FEMA FIRM Maps adopted by the city. If there are no such downstream structures, post development run off rate may equal, but not exceed, pre-development run off rates. In addition, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required and applicant must submit a copy of their State Stormwater Notice of Intent (NOI) Permit;
      (17)   Erosion control plan shall be provided showing location of silt fences, construction
entrances, inlet/outlet protection, etc.;
      (18)   If infrastructure development is required, then such development shall take place before a certificate of occupancy is issued. Infrastructure development includes the building of roadways, utility main extensions, storm water management facilities, etc. Stormwater management facilities shall be the first items of construction;
      (19)   Estimated project construction schedule;
      (20)   Public utilities may be withheld until a certificate of occupancy is issued;
      (21)   Multiple copies of the development plan are required (as determined by the Administrative Official).
   (H)   The city reserves the right to require a professional design plan when the Administrative Official believes the proposed development, due to site constraints, has the potential to adversely affect adjoining properties. In addition, the city reserves the right to require other information integral to the review and approval of the development plan. This includes, but is not limited to. drainage calculations in areas that are flood prone, near a stream and/or in an area known to directly impact downstream properties.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03; Am. Ord. O-2018-1, passed 1-16-18)
   A building permit is valid only for the lot to which it was issued and is non-transferable.
(Ord. 2003-06, passed 3-3-03)