A permit to perform electrical work in or about his own home may be issued to an owner, provided that all work thereunder shall be performed by such person, or a member of the immediate family living in the same house. The Electrical Inspector, however, shall not issue such permits unless the person who is to perform the work be named in the permit and appear before the inspector and show by answering such questions as may be asked by the inspector, or otherwise, that he has sufficient knowledge of the matter to properly perform such work. If it is apparent from the character of the work performed that an owner is not competent or qualified to do the work, under any permit issued to him, the inspector may require such portion of the work that is in violation hereof to be changed, altered, or repaired by a master electrician at the expense of the owner. A permit shall be issued without fee to such electrician and the permit to the owner shall be forfeited.
('74 Code, § 9-88) (Ord. passed 3-30-59)