The City Manager shall have the authority to authorize and/or approve purchases of goods/services up to $2,000, based on allocations contained in the city-wide budgets except for local improvement projects and contracts. Department heads/supervisors shall have the authority to authorize and/or approve purchases of goods/services up to $500 based on allocations contained in department specific functional areas of responsibility except for local improvement projects and contracts. Purchases in this section shall be ratified/confirmed by the City Council at their next regular meeting and entered in the city’s official records (note: ratification on goods or services procured under this section will be through “auditing” on the bill’s list at the regular Council meeting). The Madison Public Library through its Library Director (appointed by the Pioneer Regional Library System) has the authority to authorize and/or approve the purchases of goods/services up to $1,500 based on allocations contained in department specific functional areas of responsibility (except for local improvement projects and contracts) where approval of the Chief Purchasing Agent for items over $500 and less than $1,500 has been secured. Purchases by the Madison Public Works/Utilities through its Public Works/Utilities Superintendent has the authority to authorize ad/or approve the purchases of goods/services up to $5,000 based on allocations contained in department specific functional areas of responsibility (except for local improvement projects and contracts) where approval of the Chief Purchasing Agent for items over $500 and less than $5,000 has been secured.
(Ord. 302, passed 3-25-2002)