No side and front yards are required except as provided below. In all cases a 20 foot rear yard is required for parking and lot access.
   (A)   Where a side lot coincides with a side or rear lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along the side lot line. The yard shall not be less than the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
   (B)   Where a rear lot line coincides with a side lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be provided along such rear lot line. The yard shall not be less than the minimum side yard which would be required under this chapter for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
   (C)   Where a rear lot line coincides with a rear lot line in an adjacent residential district, a yard shall be not less than the minimum required for the rear yard for a residential use on the adjacent residential lot.
   (D)   The lot line located in the B-2 District adjacent to a residential district shall erect a fence or vegetative screening at a height determined by the Zoning Administrator that will sufficiently screen business activities from the adjacent residential district. The fence or screening shall be located along the entire length of the transitional lot line.
(Ord. 333, passed 12-27-2004)