The following are permitted uses:
(A) Antique store;
(B) Apparel and accessory store;
(C) Appliance store, sales and service;
(D) Art gallery;
(E) Artist studio or school;
(F) Auction rooms;
(G) Auto, glass, muffler and upholstery shop;
(H) Auto parts and accessory sales, including outdoor display of auto accessories, provided that the outdoor display of storage is separated from abutting development by ornamental fencing or screen planting to be not less than 8 feet in height;
(I) Auto repair garage;
(J) Auto storage, new or used;
(K) Auto sales;
(L) Bakery retail;
(M) Bank, including drive in bank;
(N) Barbershop;
(O) Beauty shop;
(P) Bicycle sales and repair;
(Q) Blueprinting, photostating and lithographing;
(R) Boat sales and repair, not including dismantling or wrecking;
(S) Book store;
(T) Bowling alley and billiard parlor;
(U) Building material yard;
(V) Bus, railway, or airline depot or ticket office;
(W) Business machines store;
(X) Café;
(Y) Camera and photographic supply store;
(Z) Candy, ice cream and confectionery store, in which all manufacturing permitted only as an accessory use and is limited to 15% of the gross floor area;
(AA) Catalog and mail-order house;
(BB) Caterer;
(CC) Clothing store;
(DD) Dairy products store;
(EE) Dance hall;
(FF) Delicatessen store;
(GG) Department store;
(HH) Discount store;
(II) Dressmaking, seamstress;
(JJ) Drugstore;
(KK) Dry cleaning;
(LL) Electric contractor;
(MM) Exterminator;
(NN) Feed store;
(OO) Floral sales;
(PP) Food locker plant: a food locker plant renting only individual lockers for home customer storage of food, including sale of retail, delivery of individual home orders and the cutting and packaging of meats or game, but not including slaughtering or eviscerating thereof;
(QQ) Fruit store;
(RR) Furniture store and home furnishings;
(SS) Garden supplies store, need not be enclosed, provided all unenclosed portions of the use are located on the rear ½ of the zoning lot;
(TT) Gift, novelty or souvenir store;
(UU) Grocery store;
(VV) Gunsmith;
(WW) Hall, renting for meetings, conventions, or social gatherings;
(XX) Hardware store;
(YY) Health equipment and supply store;
(ZZ) Health club or gym;
(AAA) Hotel, motel, or tourist home;
(BBB) Ice plant;
(CCC) Interior decorator;
(DDD) Janitorial service;
(EEE) Jewelry store;
(FFF) Laboratory, scientific and testing;
(GGG) Laundromat;
(HHH) Linen supply;
(III) Liquor store (off sale);
(JJJ) Locksmith;
(KKK) Luggage store;
(LLL) Lumber yard;
(MMM) Marine sales and service;
(NNN) Meat market and processing, not including slaughtering;
(OOO) Medical appliances, sales and fittings;.
(PPP) Mortuary, funeral home;
(QQQ) Motorcycle store;
(RRR) Music store;
(SSS) Newsstand;
(TTT) Office of any type;
(UUU) Optical goods;
(VVV) Optician;
(WWW) Paint and wallpaper store;
(XXX) Pawn shop;
(YYY) Pet store;
(ZZZ) Photographic studio, picture processing, or equipment;
(AAAA) Plumbing contractor;
(BBBB) Printing, publishing, and allied industries;
(CCCC) Restaurants;
(DDDD) Savings and loan association; state or federally chartered; including drive in facilities;
(EEEE) Second hand shops;
(FFFF) Shoe repair shop;
(GGGG) Shopping mall, centers;
(HHHH) Sign contractor;
(IIII) Sporting good store;
(JJJJ) Stationery store;
(KKKK) Tailor;
(LLLL) Taxidermist;
(MMMM) Telephone exchange;
(NNNN) Theater, not including drive in theater;
(OOOO) Theatrical studio;
(PPPP) Ticket agency;
(QQQQ) Tire recapping and supply store;
(RRRR) Toy store;
(SSSS) Travel bureau or agency;
(TTTT) Upholstery shop of any type;
(UUUU) Variety store;
(VVVV) Veterinarian, including observation kennels for household pets, provided however, all such kennels are contained within completely enclosed structures;
(WWWW) Wholesale offices;
(XXXX) Adult uses - Accessory and in compliance with § 151.205.
(Ord. 333, passed 12-27-2004)