An initiative or referendum shall be initiated by a petition signed by registered voters of the city equal in number to 20 percent of those who voted for mayor in the last preceding city election. A committee of five voters whose names and addresses shall appear on the petition shall sponsor each petition. A petition may consist of one or more papers, but each paper circulated separately shall contain at its head or attached to it the statement required by §§ 5.05 or 5.06, hereof as the case may be. Each signer shall sign his/her name and give his/her street address. Each separate page of the petition shall have appended to it a certificate, verified by oath, that each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be. The person making the certificate shall be a resident of the city. Any person whose name appears on a petition may withdraw his/her name by a statement in writing filed with the city clerk before the clerk advises the council of the sufficiency of the petition.
(Ord. 319, passed 11-10-2003)