(A)   Code requirement. All wiring, connections and appurtenances shall be installed and performed strictly in accordance with the National Electrical Code. Failure to install or maintain the same in accordance therewith upon discovery by the city may be grounds for termination of electrical service to any consumer.
   (B)   Services. New or changed service installations shall be made at the expense of the consumer, placed at a location determined by the city. The meter location shall also be designated by the city.
   (C)   Electrical installations. All electrical installations shall comply with the following where applicable:
      (1)   Motors of 20 HP or more must have line compensators on same. Provided, however, that the city may, at its option, make an exception if the total connected motors load required is smaller than the consumer connected load, and the motor starting current is less than the current corresponding to the consumer’s total connected load.
      (2)   All motor installations of over ½ HP shall be served by a minimum of 240 volts and all motors in excess of 5 HP shall be three-phase.
      (3)   The city may make an installation charge for extraordinary expenses required by a consumer.
   (D)   Point of delivery. The point of delivery is the point designated by the city on the customer’s premises where current is to be delivered to the premises. All wiring and equipment beyond the point of delivery shall be maintained by the customer.
(Ord. 365, passed 10-12-2009)