Applications for a conditional use permit to establish or expand either a recreational camping area shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator, with the required fees, on the forms as the city may provide and shall set forth in the information as required in this subchapter; the site plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information:
   (A)   Size of the proposed site;
   (B)   Details as to whether all of the area will be developed at once or whether it will be developed a portion at a time;
   (C)   Location and size of all recreational camping sites, dead storage areas, recreation areas, laundry drying areas, roadways, parking sites, and all dimensions;
   (D)   Location and size of all streets abutting the site and all driveways from the streets to the recreational camping area;
   (E)   Road construction and plans and specifications;
   (F)   Plans and drawings for new construction or alteration, including any and all buildings, water systems, wells, plumbing and sewage disposal systems, surface drainage, electrical service and gas service;
   (G)   Location and width of sidewalks and proposed method of lighting;
   (H)   A detailed description of maintenance procedures, grounds supervision and method of fire protection; and
   (I)   Any other information as may be required by the Zoning Administrator.
(1970 Code, § 216.46D) Penalty, see § 10.99