Anyone securing an interest in the dwelling or dwelling unit which has received a violation tag or compliance order shall be bound by same without further service of notice and shall be liable to all penalties and procedures by this subchapter.
(Ord. 148, passed 9-11-1989)
The City Council of the City of Madison Lake may, acting pursuant to M.S. §§ 444.17 through 444.21, Chapter 206 Laws of 1974, as they may be amended from time to time, establish within the corporate limits of Madison Lake storm sewer improvement tax districts. The action of the Council to establish the districts shall be the initial creation thereof, pursuant to § 150.51, and by subsequent amendments to that section. A 2/3 vote of all of the members of the Council shall be required for the purpose of establishing all of the storm sewer improvement districts, and no such districts shall be created by the Council until the Council shall call and hold a public hearing with respect to any such proposed storm sewer improvement district in the manner provided for by the Minnesota Statutes.
(Ord. 110, passed 8-4-1982)
The territory or area within the City of Madison Lake, Minnesota, to be included within the district is described as follows: All land within the present corporate limits together with all lands included in future annexations to the City of Madison Lake, County of Blue Earth, and State of Minnesota.
(Ord. 110, passed 8-4-1982)
The City Council shall acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, maintain, and otherwise improve storm sewer systems and related facilities within the district or districts set forth in § 150.51, and in addition thereto may acquire, construct, maintain, and improve for the benefit of any such district or districts storm water holding areas and ponds within and without the corporate limits of the City of Madison Lake.
(Ord. 110, passed 8-4-1982)
At any time after a contract for the construction of all or a part of an improvement as specified above has been entered into or the work with respect to the same has been ordered done by day labor, the City Council for the City of Madison Lake may issue obligations in the amount as it deems necessary to defray in whole or in part the expense incurred and estimated to be incurred in making improvements including every item of costs from inception to completion and all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the improvement or the financing of the same. The obligations shall be payable primarily out of the proceeds of the tax levied pursuant to this subchapter, as provided for by Minnesota Statutes; however, in addition, the Council may by resolution adopted prior to the sale of the obligations pledge the full faith, credit, and taxing power of the City of Madison Lake to assure payment of the principal and interest in the event the proceeds of the above referenced tax levy are insufficient to pay the principal and interest.
(Ord. 110, passed 8-4-1982)