The following are declared to be nuisances affecting public peace and safety:
(A) Snow and ice removal.
(1) All snow/ice not removed from public sidewalks 24 hours after the storm event has ceased to fall shall be a violation;
(2) Unless specifically pre-approved by the city’s Director of Public Works, it shall be unlawful to deposit snow/ice that is removed from private property onto public property, including boulevard areas, except that snow/ice which is removed from boulevard areas of driveways and sidewalks may be placed on adjoining boulevard areas;
(3) Snow/ice removed from private property may not be deposited upon other private property without the consent of the owner thereof;
(4) Snow/ice removal operations shall not interfere with the use of public streets or sidewalks. This provision shall not apply to those present on site and engaging in removal activity that constitutes active clearing snow/ice from the respective property;
(5) Snow/ice removal operations, including but limited to those removal operations conducted via motor-powered equipment, shall not interfere with visibility at intersections or curves of any public street within the city;
(B) All trees, hedges, billboards, or other obstructions which prevent people from having a clear view of all traffic approaching an intersection;
(C) All wires and limbs of trees which are so close to the surface of a sidewalk or street as to constitute a danger to pedestrians or vehicles;
(D) All noise in violation of state noise standards;
(E) The discharging of the exhaust or permitting the discharging of the exhaust of any stationary internal combustion engine, motor boat, motor vehicle, motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle, snowmobile, or any recreational device except through a muffler or other device that effectively prevents loud or explosive noises therefrom and complies with all applicable state laws and regulations;
(F) Obstructions and excavations affecting the ordinary public use of streets, alleys, sidewalks, or public grounds except under conditions as are permitted by this code or other applicable law;
(G) Radio aerials or television antennae erected or maintained in a dangerous manner;
(H) Any use of property abutting on a public street or sidewalk or any use of a public street or sidewalk which causes large crowds of people to gather, obstructing traffic and the free use of the street or sidewalk;
(I) All hanging signs, awnings, and other similar structures over streets and sidewalks, so situated so as to endanger public safety, or not constructed and maintained as provided by section;
(J) The allowing of rain water, ice, or snow to fall from any building or structure upon any street or sidewalk or to flow across any sidewalk;
(K) Any barbed wire fence less than 6 feet above the ground and within 3 feet of a public sidewalk or way;
(L) Wastewater cast upon or permitted to flow upon streets or other public properties;
(M) Accumulations in the open (i.e., not contained within a building or any fully enclosed fence) of any of the following items or any parts or accessories thereto:
(1) All dangerous unguarded machinery or component parts therefor, in any public place, or so situated or operated on private property as to attract the public;
(2) Garbage, trash, rubbish, bottles, cans, and any other refuse on any property, including large quantities of organic debris and materials that accumulated by other than natural means, except neatly maintained compost piles;
(3) Household furniture, appliances, or furnishings or component parts thereof;
(4) Any motor vehicle, which is inoperable, not currently licensed, or generally is not being driven;
(5) Items which are not generally or normally used on the particular premises;
(6) The accumulation of any piles of wood that are not:
(a) Neatly stacked; or
(b) Stacked or secured in a stable manner to avoid collapse;
(7) Any other materials or items of any kind or nature which tend to harbor rats, mice, snakes, or vermin or are otherwise a potential fire, health, or safety hazard from such accumulations;
(8) (a) Construction materials, including piles of dirt, sand, sod, left in the open on property more than 60 days after construction has been completed or a certificate of occupancy has been issued, whichever occurs first;
(b) Accumulations of any items that tend to cause an unsightly appearance of the premises and that is visible by any member of the public who may be using their own property or public property, or which negatively impacts property in the vicinity.
(N) Any well, hole, or similar excavation which is left uncovered or in another condition as to constitute a hazard to any child or other person coming on the premises where it is located;
(O) Obstruction to the free flow of water in a natural waterway or a public street drain, gutter, or ditch with trash or other materials;
(P) The placing or throwing on any street, sidewalk, or other public property of any glass, tacks, nails, bottles, or other substance which may injure any person or animal or damage any pneumatic tire when passing over the substance;
(Q) The depositing of garbage or refuse on a public right-of-way or on adjacent private property;
(R) All other conditions or things which are likely to cause injury to the person or property of anyone;
(S) Reflected glare or light from private exterior lighting exceeding 0.5 footcandles as measured on the property line of the property where the lighting is located when abutting any residential parcel, and 1 footcandle when abutting any commercial or industrial parcel;
(T) Reflected glare or light from private exterior lighting exceeding 0.5 footcandles as measured on the property line of the property where the lighting is located when abutting any residential parcel and 1 footcandle when abutting any commercial or industrial parcel;
(U) To own or have control of property or a building thereon, which property or building has incomplete landscaping or exterior finish and for which no permit for construction work has been issued within the preceding 12 months;
(V) All buildings, walls or other structures which have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, and which are so situated as to endanger the safety of the public; and
(W) A structure, or a portion of a structure, located in a residential zoning district, if the exterior is not completed in accordance with city-approved construction plans within 180 days after the date the city building permit was issued, unless an extension is granted by the city.
(Ord. 2014-14, passed 12-1-2014; Am. Ord. 2023-07, passed 10-2-2023) Penalty, see § 10.99