§ 110.09 EXEMPTIONS.
   (A)   Licensed individuals. Those individuals who hold a valid occupational or professional license, which is issued and regulated by the State of Indiana are exempt from this chapter. This exemption shall only be applicable to the practice under or business conducted, pursuant to and within the terms and provision of the individual’s license. Any individual claiming an exemption shall be required, upon request by the Madison Police Department, to provide written proof of his or her valid licensure, for example, a copy of a license or certificate that was issued by the State of Indiana. The Madison Police Department shall make any determination as to whether the activity to be conducted falls within the claimed licensure.
   (B)   Yard sales. A resident of the City of Madison who conducts a sale of tangible personal property for no more than six days per calendar year at his or her primary residence.
   (C)   Local not-for-profit. The members of any not-for-profit organization a majority of the members of which live in Jefferson County, Indiana.
   (D)   Locally grown produce. Fresh produce for human consumption grown regionally, which produce was actually raised by the seller or the seller’s immediate family.
   (E)   Estate sale/auction. Items sold at sales or auctions involving estates of residents of the City of Madison or real property and the improvements located on said real property located in the City of Madison or the personal property used and held by the decedent thereon.
   (F)   Commercial salespersons. Commercial travelers or salespersons calling exclusively upon businesses, professional persons, schools, or public institutions for the purpose of taking orders or selling books, equipment, supplies or services used professionally thereby.
   (G)   Handcraft shows or fairs. Organized shows, fairs, exhibitions or demonstrations involving two or more different crafters of hand crafted items at an established business located within the City of Madison. “HAND CRAFTED” means items which have been created or crafted by the individual who is selling the item.
   (H)   Veterans. This section applies to any veteran that served during war time and received an honorable discharge as described in state law. Such a person shall be entitled to a license to canvass, solicit, and peddle goods, wares, fruits, vegetables, and merchandise in the City of Madison without the payment of any fee therefor. Upon the presentation of his or her certificate and papers of discharge, properly executed, to the Jefferson County Veteran’s Affairs Officer, and proving his or her identity as the person named in his or her certificate of honorable discharge, the Madison Police Department shall issue a license to canvass, solicit, and peddle goods, wares, fruits, and merchandise within the City of Madison, which license shall be free, and no feel shall be charged to the holder of such license by such Madison Police Department, nor by any other officer, but such license shall be full and complete authority to canvass, solicit, and peddle as aforesaid, without the payment of any sum of money. This section is in accordance with I. C. 25-25-2-1.
(Ord. 2013-14, passed 12-17-13)