(A) Any person, firm or corporation, desiring a license for any machine or device hereunder shall file a written application therefor, prior to the installation of any machine with the City Clerk on a form to be provided by the Clerk. The application shall state:
(1) The name, residence address of the proprietor and the business location where the machine or device is to be installed;
(2) The type of machine sought to be licensed;
(3) The name and address of the person, firm or corporation owning the machine or device; and
(4) The nature of the business conducted on the premises in which the machine is to be installed.
(B) Every application shall be accompanied by a license fee of $10 for each machine or device to be licensed. Licenses granted hereunder shall be for one year and shall expire on April 30 of each year hereafter and may be renewed annually on or before April 30 by the filing with the City Clerk a written application for renewal stating the requirements as set forth in division (A) above, accompanied by the license fee for each renewal. The license fee for any license issued in any calendar year after November l shall be one-half of the annual license fee.
(Ord. 598, passed 8-14-1946)