(A) The City of Madison is a unit of local government which is not home rule, and is subject to the requirements of ILCS Ch. 55, Act 150, §§ 1 et seq.
(B) The City of Madison has enacted regulations for travel expenses to comply with the requirements of the zct.
(C) The City of Madison has adopted a standardized form (as attached to Ord. 18-14) to document the expenses for which payment or reimbursement is sought.
(D) The City of Madison establishes a threshold amount allowable for travel expense payment or reimbursement without a vote of the City Council in the amount of less than $750.
(E) The City of Madison has defined the types of official business for which travel expenses are allowed, as follows: To meet continuing education requirements, to attend LML, IMEA, IMUA, APPA, ITIA, EDC-Mid-America-Economic Development Council, and other conferences and meetings to attend conferences or meetings for any organization of which the city is a member, to expand or enhance knowledge pertaining to government field of expertise through national or state recognized associations, to participate in state or national government related meetings, associations or forum which affect the city for training or education purposes, to meet with attorneys, professionals, engineers, architects, or advisors about city related business, any other event, meeting, conference, or training session which is directly related to the business of the city or which the city would directly benefit.
(F) The City of Madison has mandated that any employee, official or officer complete and submit the standard form (as attached to Ord. 18-14) and provide documentation for such travel expenses in order to seek payment or reimbursement.
(G) The City of Madison has mandated that payment or reimbursement of the travel expenses of any member of the City Council or an elected official of the City of Madison must be approved by a roll-call vote during an open meeting of the City Council.
(H) The City of Madison has mandated that the travel expenses of any employee, official or officer that exceed the maximum allowable amount under the regulation adopted must be approved by a roll-call vote during an open meeting of the City Council.
(I) The City of Madison has prohibited all payments or reimbursements for entertainment unless otherwise permitted as set forth in the act.
(Ord. 18-14, passed 11-14-2017)