(A)   It is unlawful for any person to gather, assemble, congregate and/or loiter in a group of three or more persons, or to park a motor vehicle on paved parcels or lots owned by the city as particularly described as follows:
      (1)   1678 - 1682 3rd Street;
      (2)   1700 3rd Street;
      (3)   1800 3rd Street;
      (4)   312 - 320 Madison Avenue;
      (5)   1500 - 1504 7th Street; and
      (6)   1430 - 1440 7th Street.
   (B)   Any person operating or occupying as a passenger a motor vehicle on said parcel(s) or lot(s) while visiting or attending a business, park or municipal facility adjacent thereto is exempt from the provisions thereof.
   (C)   Any parcel or lot regulated by this section shall be conspicuously posted with a sign notifying the public of the applicability of this section.
(Ord. 1765, passed 9-9-2014)