(A)   Before submitting a preliminary plat, the subdivider is encouraged to confer with the Administrator to initiate pre-planning activities and to obtain information and guidance before entering into binding commitments or incurring substantial expense in the preparation of detailed plans, surveys, and other data.
   (B)   A developer is encouraged to submit a sketch plan at this time which should include the following information:
      (1)   The location of the tract in relation to the surrounding area.
      (2)   The approximate location of all existing structures within the tract proposed to be retained and wooded areas within the tract and within 200 feet thereof.
      (3)   The names of the owners of all property adjoining the tract as disclosed by the most recent Assessor’s record.
      (4)   All existing streets, roads, wet and dry weather water courses, wetlands, wooded areas and other significant physical features within the tract and within 500 feet thereof.
      (5)   Approximate location of proposed streets and property lines.
      (6)   Proposed street names.
      (7)   A rough sketch of the proposed site plan, showing lots and blocks with numbers, utility easements, storm and sanitary sewers, drainage courses and water mains.
      (8)   A north arrow and graphic scale.
      (9)   Contour lines, if practical.
(Ord. 1402, passed 2-24-1998)