(A)   All proposed subdivisions shall be served by an adequate public water supply system, private central system or individual water supply system.
   (B)   A water supply system shall be considered adequate if it meets the requirements of the Illinois Department of Public Health and the applicable building code, and requirements of the subsections below.
      (1)   Extension of public system.  Whenever the public water distribution system is reasonably accessible (that is, when the distance from any boundary of the tract to be subdivided to the nearest public water main with available capacity does not exceed 600 feet), the subdivider shall extend the system throughout the subdivision and provide every platted lot with a connection thereto at the lot line.
      (2)   Private central systems/individual wells.  Whenever the public water distribution system is not reasonably accessible (that is, when the distance from any boundary of the tract to be subdivided to the nearest public water main with available capacity exceeds 600 feet), then in accordance with accepted engineering practices and the regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health, the subdivider shall provide individual wells or install a private central water system so that an adequate supply of potable water will be available to every lot within the subdivision.
      (3)   Distribution lines.  All water distribution lines, both in new subdivision construction and those that are replacements of existing lines, shall be at least eight inches in diameter, and valves of a make in conformity with those generally used throughout the city should be used. The valves should be so placed that in the event of any single break it will not be necessary to shut-down more than 800 feet of pipe.
(Ord. 1402, passed 2-24-1998; Am. Ord. 1574, passed 1-29-2002)