(A)   Conformity with zoning.  All lots in the subdivision shall conform to the minimum lot area and dimension requirements of the zoning district in which the subdivision is located, except that:
      (1)   Residential lots which will not be served by both public sanitary sewers and water supply shall be neither less than 200 feet wide nor less than two acres in area.
      (2)   Depth and width of lots or properties reserved or laid out for commercial, business and industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for off street service and parking facilities.
      (3)   Any land which is under water or located within the public right-of-way shall not be counted in the determination of lot area.
   (B)   Multiple-frontage lots. Generally, the creation of through lots should be avoided where possible. Every lot having multiple frontages (such as corner lots, through lots) shall be large enough to permit compliance with the zoning district’s front setback requirement on every side of the lot abutting a street.
   (C)   Length/width ratio. The length of any lot shall not be greater than three times the width of the lot, except those lots fronting on a cul-de-sac. The depth of lots fronting on a cul-de-sac should not exceed 500 feet.
   (D)   Cul-de-sac lot width. The minimum width required for a lot fronting on a circular turnaround may be measured along a line parallel to the street right-of-way line, at a distance from the street right-of-way line equal to the depth of the required front yard.
   (E)   Lot remnants. All lot remnants shall be added to adjacent lots to avoid the creation of nonconforming lots (see division (A) above).
   (F)   Relationship of side lot lines to street lines. All side lot lines should be at right angles to straight street right-of-way lines and radial to curved street right-of-way lines except where a deviation from this rule will result in a better street/lot design.
   (G)   Access. Land shall be subdivided in such a way that each lot abuts or has satisfactory access to a street which meets the requirements of § 156.25 and 156.26. Land shall not be subdivided in such a way that any other parcel’s sole means of access to a public road is eliminated.
   (H)   Satisfactory building sites.  The design and arrangement of lots shall be such that each lot will provide a satisfactory building site, properly related to topography.
   (I)   Natural/historical features. Whenever any tract is to be subdivided, the most restrictive measures consistent with the anticipated development of the tract should be taken to protect such natural features as tree growth, wetlands, steep slopes, watercourses, and the like as well as any historically, architecturally, or archaeologically significant structures/sites.
   (J)   Lot numbering. Lots shall be numbered consecutively throughout all phases or additions of the subdivision, and the same basic subdivision name shall be given to all parts thereof.
   (K)   Flag lots. Flag lots are permitted with the special approval of the City Council in order to permit development of backland areas while still maintaining their rural character. Requirements for flag lots are, at a minimum:
      (1)   Minimum lot area must be at least twice the area requirement in the zone district where located exclusive of the right-of-way connecting the lot with the public road.
      (2)   Minimum front, side and rear yard requirements must be met on the portion excluding the right-of-way.
      (3)   A minimum of 20 feet and maximum of 50 feet is required for the right-of-way.
      (4)   Only one flag lot is permitted for each right-of-way.
(Ord. 1402, passed 2-24-1998)