These sign regulations shall apply to all business zone districts except as specifically exempted.
   (A)   Content. Signs allowed in this zone shall be identity signs only; however, they may include a changeable marquee provision.
   (B)   Wall signs. Any business use may be permitted a wall sign for each side of a building fronting a public street. Wall signs shall not project more than one foot from the building wall and copy shall run parallel (horizontal) with the wall.
   (C)   Size. Maximum permitted wall sign area shall be one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of building frontage on a street to a maximum of 300 square feet on individual street frontages (see § 155.313)
   (D)   Free standing signs. Free standing signs shall be permitted in all business districts.
   (E)   Clearance and height. An area ten feet in height, except for structural members, shall be maintained clear of obstruction under any free standing sign to increase pedestrian safety and to create a clear field of vision to recognize the location of streets and commercial entrances and exits. Free standing signs may not exceed 30 feet from ground elevation except as increased by variance approval.
   (F)   Location. Any sign may be located anywhere on the premises unless locations are given herein and provided the regulations of § 155.208(A) are met, and:
      (1)   No sign shall intrude into any public right-of-way and structural supports shall be at least ten feet from any public right-of-way line except as approved.
      (2)   Any sign shall be at least ten feet above a sidewalk and 15 feet above driveways or alleys.
      (3)   Signs may be on the vertical faces of marquees. The bottom of marquee signs shall be no less than ten feet above the grade at any point. No part of the changeable copy shall project above or below the vertical marquee face.
   (G)   Computation. The maximum allowable area for any free standing sign shall be based on the following formula:
Factor Times Principal Frontage Equals Sign Size
Linear Feet of Principal Frontage
Allowable Sign Area in Square Feet
First 50 feet
Next 50 feet
Next 50 feet
Next 100 feet
Maximum total possible is 400 square feet of sign area
   (H)   Incidental signs. Signs indicating services, products, prices, trade information, or other information not including product advertising are incidental signs.
      (1)   No products or product containers or signs shall be closer to a public right-of-way line than ten feet.
      (2)   All incidental signs shall be wall signs or shall be on a permanently installed structure. If incidental signs are wall signs their area in square feet shall be subtracted from the total area permitted for wall signs. Other incidental signs are deemed free standing and their area in square feet shall be subtracted from the total area permitted for free standing signs.
(Ord. 887, § 6.7, passed - -)