(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to regulate the size, height, number, location, illumination and construction of signs permitted in the various districts of the municipality.
(B) Conditions within the various zone districts that necessitate the regulation of signs include:
(1) Conflicts between traffic-control signs and signals and various private signs resulting in vehicular and pedestrian safety problems.
(2) Signs are sometimes placed in locations or constructed in a manner that creates a danger to the public during periods of high winds or inclement weather.
(3) The uncontrolled use of signs defeats the sign’s informational or advertising functions as competitors escalate sign size and expense in an effort to fairly attract attention.
(4) The uncontrolled use and proliferation of signs create visual pollution that destroys the beauty of the municipality the attractiveness of commercial areas and the ability of the public to safely and quickly interpret the intended message.
(Ord. 887, § 6.1, passed - -)