(A) Accessory uses clearly subordinate in area, extent and purpose to the principal use of the property.
(B) Boats. Storage of pleasure boats.
(C) Camping Trailer. The storage of not more than one unoccupied camp trailer and recreational vehicle.
(D) Carports.
(E) Garage.
(F) Off-street parking.
(G) Pets. Keeping of household pets, provided kennels are not maintained, and provided no animal, reptile, bird or similar classification or species normally considered wild, as opposed to domesticated, is maintained or kept.
(H) Private greenhouses, tool sheds, garages or carports, tennis courts, patios, private swimming pools.
(I) Servants accommodations for professional servants, caretakers, watchmen, or custodian, but not as a separate detached one-family dwelling on same lot.
(J) Shed.
(K) Vegetable garden.
(Ord. 887, § 2.502, passed - -)