(A) Agricultural related uses.
(B) Airports.
(C) Animal sewage lagoon.
(D) Any dwelling unit less than 750 square feet.
(E) Carnivals, circuses, and similar temporary transient amusement enterprises.
(F) Churches and other places of worship, but not including funeral chapels or mortuary chapels.
(G) Convalescent or nursing homes.
(H) Explosive uses of any kind.
(I) Golf courses of regulation size but not including commercially operated driving ranges or miniature golf courses and provided that no clubhouse, parking lot or accessory building shall be located nearer than 500 feet to any dwelling unit on another zoning lot.
(J) Governmental facilities and uses other than the municipality.
(K) Gun clubs, if properly protected and located not nearer than 1,000 feet to any residence other than that of the owner or lessee of the site.
(L) Hospitals, clinics and sanitariums.
(M) Kennels.
(N) Marina or boat docks.
(O) Parking lots.
(P) Mineral and soil extraction development.
(Q) Private clubs, lodges, or camps.
(R) Riding stables.
(S) Sale barn.
(T) Sanitary landfill and other landfills.
(U) Schools and colleges for academic instruction.
(V) Private sewage treatment plant.
(W) Stockyards, commercial livestock or poultry feeding or agricultural processing plants.
(X) Travel trailer parks.
(Y) Utilities: Electrical substations, gas regulator stations, other public utility distribution facilities.
(Ord. 887, § 2.403, passed - -; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 9-5-1989)