(A) All uses commonly classified as agriculture, horticulture, or forestry including crop and tree farming, truck farming, gardening, nursery operation, dairy farming, livestock raising, animal and poultry breeding, raising and feeding, forestry operations together with the operation of machinery or vehicles.
(B) Animal hospitals, provided that all animals are kept in a completely enclosed soundproofed building and further provided that adequate safeguards (structural, mechanical and locational) shall be provided to protect adjacent properties from the effects of noisome or injurious substances, conditions and operations.
(C) Fishing lakes, including fee fishing, or clubs provided that no building, parking lot, or other intense use activity is located nearer than 500 feet to any dwelling on another zoning lot.
(D) Greenhouses.
(E) Living quarters for persons employed in agricultural or related activities that are conducted on the premises.
(F) Non-commercial recreational activities.
(G) One-family residence dwellings.
(H) Public service uses including filtration plants, pump stations, water reservoirs, police and fire stations or other governmental uses of the municipality.
(I) Radio or television transmission towers.
(J) Railroad rights-of-way and trackage, but not including classification yards, terminal facilities or maintenance facilities.
(K) Temporary produce stands for the sale of agricultural produce raised on the premises, provided that adequate off-street parking is available and that major traffic congestion or hazard would not be created in conjunction with the location or access thereto.
(Ord. 887, § 2.401, passed - -; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 9-5-1989)