In the application of this code, the rules and definitions contained in this section shall be observed and applied except when the context clearly indicates otherwise. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, and words used in the singular number shall include the plural number, and the plural, the singular.
   ABANDONMENT.  An action to give up one’s rights or interests in property.
   ACCESSORY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE. A detached subordinate building or structure, the use of which is customarily incidental to that of the main use of the land and which is located on the same lot with the main building or use.
   ACCESSORY USE.  A use which is incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the premises and does not change the basic character thereof as determined by its principal use.
   ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER.  The person or persons designated by the municipality to enforce and administer the provisions of this code or his or her duly appointed representative(s). The Administrative Officer shall be the Building Inspector.
   ALLEY.  A public access way which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property and is not intended for general traffic circulation.
   ALTERATIONS.  As applied to a building or structure, a change or rearrangement in the structural parts or in the existing facilities, or an enlargement, whether by horizontal extensions or by increasing in height, or the moving from one location or position to another.
   ALTERATIONS, STRUCTURAL.  A change in the supporting members of a building such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders.
   ANIMALS, DOMESTIC.  A domesticated animal is one which has extensively and historically been a part of a family or household for pleasure, companionship and protection. Domesticated animals are household pets and is inclusive of animals, such as dogs, cats, parakeets, goldfish and painted turtles.
   ANIMAL, FARM. Farm animals are those which have historically been bred, reared and utilized for the production of meat, wool, leather and similar products. This definition is inclusive of all farm animals, such as horses, cattle, rabbits, sheep, geese, chickens, ducks, snakes and catfish.
   ANIMAL HOSPITAL.  Any building or portion thereof designed or used for the care, observation, or treatment of domestic animals.
   ANIMAL, WILDWild animals are those animals, fowl, reptiles and fish of the North American Continent not domesticated such as bears, raccoons, squirrels, alligators, and gila monsters; animals, such as fowl, reptiles and fish from other continents shall automatically be considered wild.
   APARTMENT.  A suite of rooms or a room in a building arranged and intended for a place of residence of a single family or a group of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit.
   APARTMENT HOTEL.  An apartment house which furnishes for the use of its tenants, services ordinarily furnished by hotels, but the privileges of which are not primarily available to the public.
   APARTMENT HOUSE.  A multi-family dwelling used or occupied by four or more families living independently of each other in dwelling units, such dwelling units normally being rented or used other than by the day, by the same occupant for a continuous period ordinarily of six months or more.
   AREA, GROSS. The entire area within the boundary lines of the territory proposed as a PUD or for subdivision, including the area to be dedicated for street and alley rights-of-way and public use.
   AREA, NET. The entire area within the boundary lines of the territory proposed as a PUD or for subdivision, less the area to be dedicated for street and alley rights-of-way and public use.
   AREA OF ZONING LOT.  The total horizontal area (square footage) within the property lines of a lot, excluding public streets and alleys, meeting the district requirement of this code.
   ATTACHED BUILDING.  A building attached to another building by a common wall (such wall being a solid wall with or without windows and doors) and a common roof.
   AUDITORIUM.  A room, hall or building made a part of a church, theater, school, recreation building, or other building assigned to the gathering of people as an audience, to hear lectures, plays and other presentations.
   AUTOMOBILE PARKING AREA.  A lot or part thereof used for the storage or parking of motor vehicles with or without the payment of rent or charges.
   AUTOMOBILE SALES AREA.  A parcel of land used for the display and sale of new or used automobiles, where repair work is permitted.
   AUTOMOBILE WRECKING YARD.  Any place where two or more motor vehicles, not in running condition, or parts thereof, are stored in the open and are not being restored to operation, or any land, building or structure used for wrecking or storing of such motor vehicles or parts thereof, and including any used farm vehicles or farm machinery, or parts thereof, stored in the open and not being restored to operating conditions; and including the commercial salvaging of any other goods, articles or merchandise.
   BARRIER (NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL). Any street, highway, river, pond, canal, railroad, levee, embankment, screening by a fence or hedge, or similar obstruction.
   BASEMENT.  A story having more than one-half its height below the average level of the adjoining ground.
   BLOCKAn area of land entirely bounded by streets, highways, barriers or ways (except alleys, pedestrian ways, or exterior boundaries of a subdivision unless exterior boundary is a street, highway or way), or a combination of streets, public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, shorelines or waterways, or corporate boundary lines.
   BOARDING HOUSE.  A building other than a hotel or restaurant where meals are provided for compensation to three or more persons, but not more than ten, who are not members of the keeper’s family, but not open on a daily, overnight or per-meal basis to transient guests.
   BUILDABLE AREA.  The space remaining on a zoning lot after the minimum setback requirements of this code have been complied with.
   BUILDING. Any structure, whether temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent, designed or intended for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, property, chattels, animals, or substances of any kind.
   BUILDING HEIGHT.  The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the proposed finished grade at the front wall of the building to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of mansard roof, or to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for gable, hip or gambrel roofs.
   BUILDING, PRINCIPALA non-accessory building in which the principal use of the zoning lot is conducted.
   CAMPING TRAILER SALES AREA. A parcel of land used for the display and sale of new or used camping trailers and where repair work is permitted.
   CAMPING TRAILERS.  Also referred to as travel trailers as opposed to a mobile home. Generally is designed for temporary occupancy as a vacation dwelling, generally does not have self contained sanitary facilities, can be operated independently of utility connections, is limited in width to approximately eight feet and in length to approximately 32 feet, and is designed to be moved by a motorized vehicle.
   CHURCHA religious association providing worship services on a regular schedule.
   CITY.  Refers to and is interpreted to mean Madison, Illinois.
   CLINICA place used for the care, diagnosis and treatment of sick, ailing, infirm and injured persons but who are not provided with board or room nor kept overnight on the premises.
   CLUB.  A nonprofit association of persons who are bona fide members organized for some common purposes and paying regular dues, not including a group organized solely or primarily to render a service customarily carried on as a commercial enterprise.
   COMMISSION.  Planning Commission of the municipality.
   COMMON AREA. Any area or space designed for joint use of tenants or owners occupying a mobile home development or other development.
   COMPREHENSIVE PLAN.  The plan or any portion thereof adopted by the municipality for the coordinated physical development including among other things plans and programs regarding the location, character and extent of highways, transportation routes, bridges, public buildings or uses, utilities, schools, residential, commercial or industrial land uses, parks, forests, dams, drainage facilities and projects affecting the conservation of natural resources of the municipality.
   COVERAGE. Total square footage of ground floor area expressed as square footage. (See LOT COVERAGE and Appendix B)
   CUL-DE-SAC. A short minor local street having only one end open for vehicular traffic and the other permanently terminated by a turn-around for vehicles.
   DEPARTMENT.  The Illinois Department of Public Health unless otherwise stated.
   DESIGN.  The arrangement of uses on the land and use of land for easements, lots and rights-of- way, including materials, alignment, grade, and width of these elements.
   DISTRICT. A portion of the territory of the municipality within which certain uniform regulations and requirements of various combinations thereof apply under the provisions of this code.
   DRIVEWAY.  A minor private way used for vehicles on a zoning or mobile home lot or for common access to a small group of lots, or common parking facilities.
   DRY CLEANER RETAILA retail limited processing dry cleaner primarily serving individual public consumers.
   DRY CLEANER WHOLESALEA business primarily processing dry cleaning for other businesses as opposed to the individual public.
   DUMP.  A lot or part thereof used primarily for the disposal by abandonment, dumping, burial, burning or other means and for whatever purpose, of garbage, sewage, trash, refuse, junk, discarded machinery, vehicles or parts thereof, or waste material of any kind.
   DWELLING.  Any building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively as living quarters for one or more families, other than hotels, motels, tourist homes, clubs, hospitals, or similar uses.
   DWELLING, MULTIPLE-FAMILY.  A building or portion thereof, designed or altered for occupancy by four or more families each living as an independent housekeeping unit.
   DWELLING, ONE-FAMILYA detached principal building designed for or used as a dwelling exclusively by one family as an independent housekeeping unit.
   DWELLING, THREE-FAMILY.  A detached principal building designed for or used as a dwelling exclusively by three families each living as an independent housekeeping unit.
   DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY. A detached principal building designed for or used as a dwelling exclusively by two families each living as an independent housekeeping unit.
   DWELLING UNIT.  A residential unit providing complete independent living facilities for one family including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation.
   EASEMENT.  A vested or acquired right to use land, other than as a tenant, for a specific purpose, such right being held by someone other than the owner who holds title to the land.
   ENCLOSED BUILDING. A building separated on all sides from adjacent open space or other buildings by fixed exterior walls or party walls, with openings only for windows and doors, and covered by a permanent roof.
   ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENTAL OR PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES.  The erection, replacement, construction, alteration, or maintenance by public utilities or municipal departments, of underground or overhead, gas, electrical, steam, water transmission or distribution systems, collection, communication, supply or disposal systems, including poles, wire, mains, drains, sewers, pipes, conduits, cables, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, traffic signals, hydrants, and other similar equipment and accessories in connection therewith, reasonably necessary for the furnishing of adequate service by such public utilities or municipal departments or commissions or for the public health or safety or general welfare, but not including buildings.
      (1)   A single individual doing his or her own cooking and living upon the premises as a separate housekeeping unit; or
      (2)   A collective body of persons doing their own cooking and living together upon the premises as a separate housekeeping unit in a domestic relationship based upon birth, marriage, adoption or employment as domestic servants; or
      (3)   A group of not more than three unrelated persons doing their own cooking and living together on the premises as a separate housekeeping unit pursuant to a mutual housekeeping agreement (not including a group occupying a boarding or rooming house, club, fraternity, or hotel).
   FENCE. An enclosure or barrier such as wooden slats and posts, wire, iron, and the like, used as a boundary or means of protection or confinement constructed with materials of equal character, density and design.
   FLOOD AREA. All land subject to periodic inundation by water as defined by a soils analysis or other appropriate means and includes the overflow of natural waterways, interior ponding and flooding of or resulting from drainage runoff.
   FLOOR AREA. The area included within outside walls of a building or portion thereof, including habitable penthouses and attic space but not including vent shafts, courts, or uninhabitable areas below ground level or in attics.
   FLOOR AREA RATIO.  The ratio of total floor area, in square feet, of all buildings on a lot to total lot area, in square feet, excluding basements.
   GARAGE - PARKING, PRIVATE. A building or portion thereof for the storage of one or more motor vehicles for persons living on the premises.
   GARAGE - PARKING, PUBLIC. A building or portion thereof used by the public for the storage or parking of motor vehicles for compensation or otherwise.
   GASOLINE SERVICE STATION. A building or premises or portion thereof used for the retail sale of gasoline, oil or other fuel, automotive parts, supplies, or accessories for motor vehicles and which may include, as an incidental use only, facilities used for polishing, greasing, washing or otherwise cleaning or light servicing of motor vehicles but not including liquefied petroleum gas distribution facilities.
   HOSPITAL. Any building or portion thereof used for diagnosis, treatment and care of human ailments including sanitariums but not including clinics, rest homes, convalescent homes or nursing homes.
   HOTEL. A building designed or used for occupancy normally as the temporary lodging place of individuals, having at least six guest rooms, where a general kitchen and dining room may be provided but where there are no cooking facilities in any guest room.
   IMPROVEMENT. Refers to site grading, street work and utilities (including water, sewer, electric, gas and storm water) to be installed or agreed to be installed by the subdivider on land to be used for public or private streets, and easements or other purposes as are necessary for the general use of lot owners in the development.
   IMPROVEMENT PLANS. The engineering plans showing types of materials and construction details for the physical structures and facilities to be installed both in, or in conjunction with, the development.
   JUNK YARD. Any area where scrap, metal, paper, rags, or similar materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled, including auto and building salvage yards.
   KENNEL. Any structure or lot on which four or more domesticated animals over four months of age are kept.
   LAND USE PLAN. The long-range plan for the desirable use of land in the municipality as officially adopted and as amended from time to time.
      (1)   COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY.  A business that provides washing, drying and ironing services operated by the employees on the premises.
      (2)   LAUNDROMAT.  A business that provides home-type washing, drying and ironing machines for hire to be used by the customers on the premises.
   LOADING SPACE. An off-street space or berth on the same lot with a building, or contiguous to a group of buildings for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or materials and which abuts upon a street, alley or other appropriate means of access.
   LODGING OR ROOMING HOUSE. A building with more than three guest spaces where lodging is provided for compensation pursuant to previous arrangement but not open on a daily, overnight, or per-meal basis to transient guests.
   LOT. A portion or parcel of land (whether a portion of a platted subdivision or otherwise) occupied or intended to be occupied by a building or use and its accessories together with such yards as are required under the provisions of this code having not less than the minimum area, width and depth required by this code for a lot in the district in which such land is situated and having its principal frontage on a street or on such other means of access as permitted in accordance with the provisions of this code. The minimum area of a lot as defined herein must be an integral unit of land under unified ownership in fee or in co-tenancy, or under legal control tantamount to such ownership, which ownership or control must continue for the existence of the building or buildings permitted to be situated on the lot.  The word LOT shall include the words “plot,” “piece,” and “parcel.”
   LOT, CORNER. A lot abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection or upon two parts of the same street. The point of intersection of the street lines is the “corner.” (See Appendix C.)
   LOT COVERAGE. The area of a zoning lot occupied by the principal building or buildings and accessory buildings.
   LOT, DEPTH. The mean horizontal distance between the front and the rear lot lines measured in the general direction of the side lot lines.
   LOT INTERIOR. A lot whose side lines do not abut upon any street.
   LOT LINE, FRONT. The line separating the lot from the street. The street on which a building’s frontage is oriented shall determine the location of the front lot line provided the front setback is no less than the average setback of existing buildings.
   LOT LINE, REAR. The rear lot line is the lot line or lot lines most nearly parallel to and most remote from the front lot line.
   LOT LINE, SIDE. Any lot line other than front or rear lot lines. A side lot line separating a lot from a street is called a street side lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots is called an interior side lot line.
   LOT OF RECORD. A lot which is a part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds.
   LOT, THROUGH. A lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets.
   LOT, WIDTH. The mean horizontal width of the lot measured at right angles to its depth.
   MAY.  Is permissive.
   MOBILE HOME. A movable or portable unit, which is eight body feet or more in width and 32 body feet or more in length, and constructed to be towed on its own chassis (comprised of frame and wheels) from the place of construction to the location or subsequent locations and designed to be used without a permanent foundation and connected to utilities for year round occupancy with or without a permanent foundation. All mobile homes must be built to the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.
   MOBILE HOME, DEPENDENT. A mobile home which does not have toilet and bath or shower facilities.
   MOBILE HOME, DOUBLE-WIDE. Consists of two mobile units joined at the side into a single home but kept on their separate chassis for repeated transportation.  Mobile homes, double-wides, sectionals and modules are transported to their sites by trucks whose movements are controlled by state highway regulations, or they are shipped on railroad flat cars.
   MOBILE HOME, INDEPENDENT. A mobile home with self-contained toilet and bath or shower facilities.
   MOBILE HOME LOT. A parcel of land for the placement of a mobile home and the exclusive use of its occupants.
   MOBILE HOME PAD. That part of an individual mobile home space or lot beneath the mobile home, including the concrete portion of the pad.
   MOBILE HOME PARK. An area of land under unified ownership and control on which two or more occupied mobile homes are harbored either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and shall include any building, structure, tent, vehicle, or enclosure used or intended for use as part of the equipment of such mobile home park, includes courts, developments, communities.
   MOBILE HOME SALES AREA. A parcel of land used for the display and sale of new or used mobile homes and where repair work is permitted.
   MOBILE HOME SPACE. Any portion of a mobile home park designed for the use or occupancy of one mobile home.
   MOBILE MODULE. A factory-fabricated, transportable building unit designed to be incorporated at a building site on a permanent foundation into a structure to be used for commercial, educational or industrial purposes on a permanent foundation.
   MOBILE/PORTABLE MARQUEE. A term commonly used to mean any street graphic not designed to be permanently attached to a building or part thereof or to be anchored to the ground. Such street graphics primarily include but are not limited to signs attached to wood or metal frames designed to be self-supporting and movable; paper, cardboard, or canvas signs wrapped around supporting poles, and the like.
   MODULAR HOUSING. A building assembly or system of building subassemblies, designed for habitation as a dwelling for one or more persons, including the necessary electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and other service systems, which is of closed or open construction and which is made or assembled by a manufacturer, on or off the building site, for installation, or assembly and installation, on the building site, with a permanent foundation. A manufactured housing unit shall be in compliance with the safety codes as promulgated by the Illinois Department of Public Health and the City of Madison.
   MOTEL OR MOTOR HOTEL. A series of attached, semi-attached or detached sleeping or living units, for the accommodation of transient guests and not customarily including individual cooking or kitchen facilities, the units having convenient access to offstreet parking spaces for the exclusive use of the guests or occupants.
      (1)   Creation of unreasonable physical hazard by fire, explosion, radiation or other cause to persons or property.
      (2)   Discharge of any liquid or solid waste into any stream or body of water or into any public or private disposal system or into the ground so as to contaminate any water supply including underground water supply.
      (3)   Maintenance or storage of any material either indoors or outdoors so as to cause or to facilitate the breeding of vermin.
      (4)   Emission of smoke, measured at the point of emission, which constitutes an unreasonable hazard to the health, safety or welfare of any persons.
      (5)   Fly ash or dust which can cause damage to the health of persons, animals, or plant life or to other forms of property, or excessive soil, measured at or beyond the property line of the premises on which the aforesaid fly ash or dust is created or caused.
      (6)   Creation or causation of any unreasonably offensive odors discernible at or beyond any property line of the premises on which the aforesaid odor is created or caused.
      (7)   Creation or maintenance of any unreasonable reflection or direct glare, by any process, lighting or reflection material at or beyond any property line of the premises on which the aforesaid reflection or direct glare is created or caused.
      (8)   Creation or maintenance of any unreasonably distracting or objectionable vibration and/or electrical disturbances discernible at or beyond any property line of the premises on which the aforesaid vibration or electrical disturbance is created or maintained.
   NONCONFORMING BUILDING. A building or structure or portion thereof conflicting with the provisions of this code applicable to the district in which it is situated.
   NONCONFORMING USE. A use of a building or land legally existing at the time of adoption of this code or any amendment thereto and which does not conform with the use regulations of the district in which located.
   OFFICE, PROFESSIONAL. An office (other than a service office and other than an office for care and/or treatment of, or medical attention to, animals as distinguished from persons) for the practice of professions, such as the offices of physicians, dentists, attorneys-at-law, architects, engineers, artists, musicians, teachers and others who through training are qualified to perform services of a professional nature and where there is no storage, sale or display of merchandise on the premises.
   OFFICE, SERVICE. An office in which are offered services by real estate agents, insurance agents, public stenographers, brokers, or others who through training are duly qualified to perform services of an executive nature (as distinguished from a professional office) and where there is no storage, sale or display of merchandise on the premises.
   PARKING AREA, PRIVATE. An open, hard-surfaced area, other than a street or public way, designed, arranged, and made available for the storage of private passenger automobiles only, or occupants of the building or buildings for which the parking area is developed and is accessory.
   PARKING AREA, PUBLIC. An open, hard-surfaced area, other than a street or other public way, used for the parking of automobiles or other motor vehicles and available to the public whether for a fee or free for clients or customers.
   PARKING LANE. A lane of a street used primarily for vehicular parking.
   PARKING SPACE, AUTOMOBILE. Space with a public or private parking area of not less than 200 square feet (10 feet by 20 feet), exclusive of access drives, or aisles, ramps, columns, or office and work areas for the storage of a passenger automobile or a commercial vehicle under 1 ton capacity.
   PERMANENT FOUNDATION. A closed perimeter formation consisting of materials such as concrete, mortared concrete block, or mortared brick extending into the ground below the frost line, excluding the use of piers.
   PERSON. Any agent, individual, firm, association, partnership or corporation or similar entity.
   PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT. A residential, commercial or industrial development on a parcel of land in single ownership and consisting of two or more buildings having any yard, court, parking or loading space in common.
   PLANS. All of the drawings including plats, cross sections, profiles, working details and specifications, which the subdivider prepares or has prepared to show the character, extent and details of improvements required in this code and which plans shall conform to any requirements of the Planning Commission as to scale and details for submittal to the appropriate officials of the municipality for consideration, approval or disapproval.
   PLAT. Any map, plan or chart of a city, town, section or subdivision, indicating the location and boundaries of individual properties, public improvements, utility locations and which meets the requirements of this code.
   PLOT. A parcel of land consisting of one or more lots or portions thereof which is described by reference to a recorded plat or metes and bounds.
   PREMISES. A lot together with all the buildings and uses thereon.
   PRINCIPAL USE. The main use of land or buildings as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory use.
   PROPERTY LINE. A recorded boundary of a plot or plat.
   PUBLIC OPEN SPACE. Any publicly owned open area, including, but not limited to the following: parks, playgrounds, forest preserves, beaches, waterways, parkways, and streets.
   PUBLIC SYSTEM (WATER OR SEWER). A system which is owned and operated by a local governmental authority or by an established public utility company. Such systems are usually existing systems serving a municipality, a township, an urban county, or a water or sewer district established and directly controlled under the laws of this state.
   RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. A vehicle used for or designed to transport camping trailers, or the integration of camping trailer and towing vehicle into a motorized camping trailer or recreational vehicle.
   RESIDENCE. A stationary detached principal building designed for or used as a dwelling as distinguished from a mobile (dwelling) home.
   ROADWAY. The entire improved portion of the street, including shoulders, parking lanes, travel way, curbs and gutter which lies between the right-of-way lines.
   ROOF. The external upper covering of a building.
   ROOF LINE. A horizontal line parallel to the average ground level of the structure along the front of the building designating the highest point of a flat roof, or where the flat surface area of a gable, hip, mansard, or gambrel roof is in view from the ground level, that line of demarcation separating the roof and the vertically structured facade, or a line along the front of the building delimiting the roof line between eaves and ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs.
   ROOM. An unsubdivided portion of the interior of a dwelling unit, excluding bathrooms, kitchens, closets, hallways and service porches and the like.
   RULES AND REGULATIONS. The rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the Trailer Coach Control Law of the State of Illinois as issued and in force by the State of Illinois Department of Public Health, unless otherwise specified.
   SETBACK LINE. The distance in linear feet measured on a horizontal plane from the centerline of a street and/or from a lot line to a building or structure on the lot.
   SHALL.  Is mandatory and not discretionary.
   SIGN. Any letters, figures, design, symbol, trademark, or illuminating device intended to attract attention to any place, subject, person, firm, corporation, public performance, article, machine, or merchandise whatsoever and painted, printed or constructed and displayed in any manner whatsoever out of doors for advertising, identification or announcement purposes.
   SIGN AREA. The total surface area of the entire sign, including all parts and appurtenances thereof (except principal supports).
   SIGN, BILLBOARD. A sign which directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere other than upon the premises where such sign is located or to which it is affixed.
   SIGN, BULLETIN BOARD. As used in this code, a sign used for purposes of notification of the public of an event or other occurrence of public interest, such as church service, political rally, civic meeting or similar event.
   SIGN, CONSTRUCTION. As used in this code, a sign advertising the development or improvement of a property by a builder, contractor or other person furnishing services, materials, or labor to said premises, which sign is intended for a limited period of display, and erected on the same lot with the work being done.
   SIGN, FLASHING. Any sign utilizing the repeated or intermittent flashing of light.
   SIGN, FREE-STANDING. A detached sign which is supported by one or more uprights, poles or braces in or upon the ground.
   SIGN, IDENTITY. Any sign which carries only the name of the firm, person, the major enterprise or the principal product offered for sale on the premises, or a combination of these.
   SIGN, MARQUEE. A changeable copy sign freestanding.
   SIGN, MISCELLANEOUS. A sign, banner or other advertising device or display constructed of cloth, canvas, cardboard, wallboard or other light temporary material, with or without a structural frame, intended for a temporary period of display, such as decorative displays for holidays or public demonstrations.
   SIGN, MOBILE. Any sign mounted and projecting on a vehicle or which is designed to be moved from location to location.
   SIGN, PROJECTING. A display sign which is attached directly to the wall of a building and which extends more than one foot from the face of the wall.
   SIGN, REAL ESTATE. A sign indicating the availability for sale, rent or lease of the specific lot and/or building upon which the sign is erected or displayed.
   SIGN, ROOF. A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet wall of a building or structure.
   SIGN, SUBDIVISION. A sign advertising the general development, sale and/or subdivision of land, and displayed or erected upon the subject property, as distinguished from a real estate sign.
   SIGN, WALL. Any sign painted on, attached to, or erected against the wall of a building, or structure, with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of the wall and extending not more than one foot from the face of the wall.
   SITE. A parcel of land consisting of one or more lots or portions thereof which is described by reference to a recorded plat or by metes and bounds.
   SLOPE. The degree of natural inclination of the existing ground.
   STREET. A general term denoting a public or private way for the purpose of vehicular travel. The term includes all facilities which normally occur within the right-of-way; it shall also include such other designation for a street as: a highway, thoroughfare, parkway, throughway, road, pike, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, drive, court or as otherwise designated, but excluding an alley or a way for pedestrian use only.
   STREET, ARTERIAL. A street designed or utilized primarily for high vehicular speeds or for heavy volumes of traffic on a continuous route with intersections at grade and which may have direct access to abutting properties and on which geometric design and traffic control measures are used to expedite the safe movement of through traffic.
   STREET, COLLECTOR. A street which carries or is proposed to carry intermediate volumes of traffic from local streets to arterial streets and which may or may not be continuous.
   STREET, LOCAL. A street used primarily for access to abutting properties, providing for minimum speeds and traffic volumes.
   STREET, MARGINAL ACCESS OR SERVICE ROAD. A local street parallel and adjacent to arterial streets providing access to abutting properties.
   TRAVEL WAY. That portion of a street used for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.
   USED FOR.  Include the phrases “arranged for,” “designed for,” “intended for,” “occupied for,” and “maintained for.”
   VEHICLE. A receptacle in which something is placed in order to be moved by some means of conveyance on wheels, runners or similar methods.
   YARD. An open space not occupied or obstructed by any structure or portion of a structure, except fences as regulated and otherwise expressly provided for herein.
   YARD, FRONT. A yard extending across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the nearest line or point of the principal building.
   YARD, REAR. A yard extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the nearest line or point of the principal building.
   YARD, SIDE. A yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest line or point of the building.
   ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS. An appellate, interpretive and advisory body designated to assist in the administration of the zoning provisions of this code.
   ZONING MAP. The zoning map or maps of the municipality together with all amendments subsequently adopted.
(Ord. 887, § 1.8, passed  - -; Am. Ord. 1154, passed 9-5-1989)