(A)   All plumbing services and sanitary plumbing shall comply with the normal and usual plumbing service, as prescribed by the plumbing code of the state and shall be in strict conformity therewith in all respects.
   (B)   All mobile homes shall meet and comply with the minimum housing standards as set forth in the city’s regulations, as set in Ch. 152 of this code of ordinances, with regard to minimum space requirement, maintenance, maintenance of adjacent premises, occupancy, drainage, foundations, sanitation and all other regulations therein set forth.
   (C)   All mobile homes shall meet and comply with the minimum standards for mobile homes as set forth in the code promulgated by the American National Standards Institute and identified as ANSI A119.1, dated 1972, which shall be and it is hereby adopted and declared to be the official standard for mobile homes of the city.
   (D)   All mobile homes shall meet the following requirements and standards:
      (1)   Mobile home pad.
         (a)   The mobile home pad shall be improved to provide adequate support for the placement and tie-down of the mobile home.  The pad shall not heave, shift or settle unevenly under the weight of the mobile home due to frost action, inadequate drainage, vibration, wind or other forces acting on the structure.
         (b)   All mobile homes shall be placed on a mobile home pad constructed of Portland cement concrete not less than six inches in thickness.  In addition, all mobile home pads shall be at least ten feet wide by 40 feet in length, or mobile homes may be placed on concrete piers on a solid concrete if footing and shall be of a size and kind approved by the Building Inspector and shall be exactly as approved.  Expandable units shall be provided with approved piers or their equivalent at each corner of the unit.
      (2)   Jacks and stabilizers.  Jacks and/or stabilizers shall be placed under the frame of the mobile home to prevent movement on the springs while the mobile home is parked and occupied and shall be located on approved concrete footing.
      (3)   Tie-down anchorage requirements.
         (a)   All mobile homes shall meet the tie-down requirements of the following table.
10- and 12-foot Wide Mobile Home
12- and 14-foot Wide Mobile Homes
30 to 50 Feet Long
50 to 60 Feet Long
60 to 70 Feet Long
No. of Frame Ties (Pairs)
No. of Over- the-Top Ties
No. of Frame Ties (Pairs)
No. of Over- the-Top Ties
No. of Frame Ties (Pairs)
No. Of Over- the-Top Ties
         (b)   Tie-down components used, including anchor systems, must be able to withstand at least 4,800 pounds without failure.  The holding power of ground anchors can be determined by conducting pullout tests or by consulting with an anchor dealer.  He or she should be able to provide data on anchor holding power for various kinds of soils.
   (E)   In the event that a mobile home is to be installed and constructed at a location which is not within a reasonable distance from public sewage lines or facilities then the mobile home shall be equipped with and connected to a septic tank disposal system which shall comply with the recommendations of the State Department of Public Health for septic tanks for sewage systems for single family homes in rural and suburban areas.
   (F)   When an approved public water supply is adjacent to or within an economically feasible distance of a mobile home site, that water supply shall be used exclusively; and otherwise each mobile home shall be equipped with a water storage tank of at least 200 gallons, utilizing a pressurized distribution system.
   (G)   When a mobile home is constructed and mounted on a foundation the foundation shall be of a design and size to match the mobile home.  No variations shall be allowed.  Skirting of a mobile home will be permitted with proper tie-downs and shall be of fire resistant materials equipped with inspection doors, and constructed in such a manner so that it will not provide a harborage for rodents, nor create a fire hazard.
   (H)   (1)   A mobile home shall not be occupied unless it is in full compliance with the requirements of this chapter and a certificate of occupance has been issued by the Building Inspector.
      (2)   It is unlawful for any person to rent, sell, or offer for sale in this city and mobile home manufactured after January 1, 1974, unless the mobile home complies with the Safety Code and any revision thereof that may be adopted hereafter.
      (3)   It shall be unlawful for the owner of any mobile home who has received a compliance order or upon whom a notice of violation has been served to sell, transfer, mortgage, lease or otherwise dispose of to another until the provisions of the compliance order or notice of violation have been complied with, or until such owner shall first furnish to the grantee, transferee, mortgagee, or lessee a true copy of any compliance or notice of violation, issued by the Building Commissioner and shall furnish to the Building Commissioner a signed and notarized statement from the grantee, transferee, mortgagee, or lessee, acknowledging the receipt of such compliance order or notice of violation and fully accepting the responsibility without condition for making the corrections or repairs required by such compliance order or notice of violation.
(Ord. 884, passed 12-4-1973)