(A)   No person, firm or corporation shall give, conduct, manage, produce, present, exhibit or offer for gain or profit, where money is charged directly or indirectly for admission to see, hear or operate the same, any theatrical, dramatic, operatic or variety performance, circus, carnival, menagerie, show or other amusement, moving picture show or other exhibition, or any concert or other musical or minstrel entertainment, lecture, scientific demonstration, performance of any feats of jugglery, sleight of hand, tricks of Legerdemain or tricks of any kind, or any exhibition of natural or artificial curiosities or any panorama show or device, tests of strength of persons, physical endurance contents, wrestling and boxing or pugilistic contacts, or conduct a skating rink, within the city, without first having obtained a license so to do.  The provisions of this section shall not apply to any public entertainment given by persons not engaged in the giving of the entertainments as a business, nor for personal gain, the proceeds of which are for the benefit of any religious, charitable, benevolent or educational institution located in the city.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful to hold, conduct, give, exhibit or perform any immoral, immodest or indecent theatrical or other exhibition, show or amusement under any license issued under the term of this section.  It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation licensed hereunder to keep and preserve or cause to be kept and preserved, good order and conduct in and about the place for which a license is granted.
   (C)   In order that the fee to be paid for any license may be fixed in a just and equitable manner, all theatricals, exhibitions, shows or amusements herein above mentioned are divided into classes as set by the city.
   (D)   The owner of any moving picture theater may take out a license for the period of a year and persons obtaining a license under this section shall be exempt from the payment of the license fee provided for by the city.
   (E)   No gaming, raffle, lottery or chance gift and distribution of money or articles of value shall be connected with or be allowed by any person obtaining a license under the provisions of this section or in any way permitted or held out as an indictment to visitors.
   (F)   It shall be the duty of the owner, licensee, manager or person in charge or control of any hall, place, theater or skating rink, wherein an amusement is being conducted, at all times during any performance, entertainment or exhibition, to keep all aisles and passageways free and unobstructed and to have all doors leading to or from the same hung so as to open out therefrom.  It shall be the duty of all members of the Police Department to see that the provisions of this section are strictly enforced and, in case of violation thereof, forthwith to clear obstructed aisles or passageways or lobbies and to arrest the offender and offenders.
(Ord. 562, passed - -)  Penalty, see § 122.999