(A) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in the business of scavenger, or collecting or removing of garbage or offal or other filthy, noxious or unwholesome matter without first having secured a license so to do. Applications for such licenses and the issuance thereof, shall comply with the provisions of Ch. 110.
(B) No license shall be issued to any person who is not a person of good character, nor to any company whose officers are not persons of good character. The City Health Officer shall inspect or cause to be inspected all vehicles intended to be used by the applicant and shall not issue a license unless these vehicles comply with the ordinances of the city.
(C) The annual fee for such licenses shall be $10, plus $5 for each vehicle over one used in the business.
(D) All vehicles used for such purposes shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. The licensee shall carefully observe all the ordinances of the city relating to health and nuisances and shall so remove and dispose of garbage or other filthy, noxious, or unwholesome matter as not to annoy or be offensive or obnoxious to persons, or dangerous, deleterious or prejudicial to health. In removing, transporting and disposing of such material or substances, the same shall be done in such a manner that no part thereof will drop, fall, drip or remain on any premises, street, alley, public ground or place, and the same shall be transported in liquid tight carts, wagons or other vehicles and shall be so effectually closed as to confine the odors and smells arising therefrom within said receptacle.
(Ord. 1612, passed 5-6-2003)