(A) The Mayor may, from time to time, grant licenses to persons to exercise or carry on the business of pawnbrokers within the city; and no person shall exercise or carry on such business within the city without being duly licensed as aforesaid.
(B) Any person who loans money on deposit or pledge personal property, bonds, notes, or other valuable things, or securities, or who deals in the purchasing of personal property or chooses in action on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, is hereby defined and declared to be a pawnbroker.
(C) Every pawnbroker shall keep a book in which shall be written in ink at the time of each and every loan or taking of a pledge an accurate account and description, in the English language, of all the goods, articles and other things pawned or pledged, the amount of money, value or thing loaned thereon, the time of pledging the same, the rate of interest to be paid on such loan, and the name and residence of the person making such pawn or pledge. No entry in such book shall be erased, mutilated or changed. The said book, as well as every article or thing of value pawned or pledged, shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of the Mayor or any member of the police force authorized by the Mayor to inspect the same.
(D) No person licensed under this section shall take or receive in pawn or purchase any article, property or effects from any minor, or claimed by any minor.
(E) Every pawnbroker and landbroker or keeper of a loan office, shall at the time of each loan, deliver to the person pawning or pledging any goods, articles or thing, a memorandum or note signed by him or her containing the substance of the entry required to be made in his or her book by the last preceding section; and no charge shall be made or received by any pawnbroker or loanbroker or keeper of a loan office for any such entry, memorandum or note.
(F) No person licensed under the provisions of this section shall take any article in pawn from any person appearing to be intoxicated, nor from any person known to be a notorious thief or to have been convicted of larceny or burglary.
(G) The annual license fee for a license under the provisions of this section shall be $25.
(Ord. 1612, passed 5-6-2003)