(A)   No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of selling cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form in the city, without first having obtained a license so to do. Written application for that purpose shall be made in the manner provided in Chapter 110; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be held to authorize the sale or giving away of cigarettes containing opium, morphine, jimpson weed, belladonna, strychina, cocaine, marijuana or any other deleterious or poisonous drug or drugs; such license shall authorize the person or corporation therein named to expose for sale, give away, sell or offer for sale cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form at the place designated therein and there only.
   (B)   The fee for such license shall be $25 per annum.
   (C)   A tobacco retail license is non-transferable, except a new license will be issued to a tobacco retailer who changes location.
(Ord. 1564, passed 10-9-2001; Am. Ord. 1612, passed 5-6-2003)  Penalty, see § 119.99