(A) (1) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in or carry on within the city the business of dry cleaning or spotting, in which gasoline, naphtha, benzine or other volatile oils are used to clean or renovate any clothing or articles of wearing apparel or any fabric of any kind, without first obtaining a license, as hereinafter provided, for each dry, cleaning or spotting establishment proposed to be conducted by such person, firm or corporation.
(2) Every person, firm or corporation keeping or using more than two quarts of gasoline, naphtha, benzine or other volatile oils for the purposes above mentioned, for profit or reward, shall be held and is hereby declared and defined to be a dry cleaner.
(3) Every person, firm or corporation keeping or using two quarts or less of gasoline, naphtha, benzine or other volatile oils for the purposes above mentioned, for profit or reward, shall be held and is hereby declared and defined to be a spotter.
(B) Applications for such license shall be made in writing in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 110. A separate application shall be made for each dry cleaning or spotting establishment carried on or conducted by the applicant wherever located within the city.
(C) The annual license fee for any person, firm or corporation securing a license under this section shall be $25. No license granted under the provisions of this section shall be assigned or transmitted to any other person, firm or corporation nor shall any such license authorize any person, firm or corporation other than the licensee named therein to do business or to act under such license. Such license shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the room where the dry cleaning or spotting is done.
(D) No dry cleaning establishment shall be operated in any building which does not comply with the provisions of any of the ordinances of the city relating to the construction of buildings. Such establishments shall be kept as free as possible from flammable wastes, and it shall be unlawful to maintain or permit a stove or open flame by any kind on the premises; smoking in or on such premises is prohibited.
(E) It shall hereafter be unlawful to establish a dry cleaning establishment in any place where a majority of the buildings within a radius of 800 feet are used exclusively for residence purposes without first secured the written consent of the owners of a majority of the lots or parcels of ground within such radius.
(F) The provisions of the code relative to the storage or handling of flammable liquids must be fully complied with in every dry cleaning establishment.
(G) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see to the enforcement of the provisions of this section, by making an inspection of such premises at least once every three months, and if any of the provisions of this section or of any of the ordinances of the city are being violated it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to order the licensee to immediately comply with the provisions of said ordinances, and upon a failure of the licensee to do so within 12 hours, the Chief of Police shall report the same to the Mayor, who shall immediately revoke the license granted under the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 1612, passed 5-6-2003) Penalty, see § 118.99