For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APARTMENT HOUSE. A residential building designed for three or more dwelling units.
OWNER. The owner of any real property for rent or lease.
RENTAL UNIT. Any dwelling unit or structure in which the owner allows another person or persons to reside for rent, hire or lease, including, but not limited to any purchase under contract for deed where the seller retains an interest in the property or a lease/buy-back agreement.
RESPONSIBLE PERSON. The person or persons who reside within the corporate limits of the city, designated by an owner who does not reside within the corporate limits of the city, to receive all notices, letters of violation and other communications and to handle or forward all communication to the owner. Service of a communication upon the RESPONSIBLE PERSON shall be deemed the same as service upon the OWNER.
VIOLATION CORRECTION ORDER. A document issued by the inspection authorities of the city listing the violations and required corrections to be made within a stated time.
(Ord. 1302, passed 3-27-1996)